
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Abomination of Closing the Masajid or Striving to Prevent their Designated Activities

What is Deobandiyyat?

The 'Human Dogs' Phenomenon

Seven Brothers - All Badri Sahabah radiyallahu 'anhum

The Role of the Evil ‘Ulamā’ in Inventing the Dīn-e-Ilāhī

'Ulama' who have not Stayed in the Company of the Pious become a Means of Fitnah Emerging

Al-Imam Al-Ghazali's Efforts in Defeating the Batini Shia

The Devilish Plan to Spread Irtidad Amongst the Muslims

The Modernist Attack upon Īmān: Rationality

The Eerie link between Narcissism & Shiasm

The Shia Define 'Sahabah' Differently

Al-Arba'un Al-Mukhtarat min Dala'il al-Khayrat