The Role of the Evil ‘Ulamā’ in Inventing the Dīn-e-Ilāhī


In the eleventh century, the king, Akbar, was ruling in Hindustan. There were many people of knowledge and ‘Ulamā’ in his court. However, they were evil ‘Ulamā’. These evil ‘Ulamā’ had great ability in the sciences and wrote various books too. However, they were the ones that incited Akbar to establish and set up a new religion.

The poison they put into the mind of Akbar was that a religion (Dīn) cannot live on for more than a thousand years. Now, a thousand years have passed over the Dīn brought by Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, so its time is up. Now, there is a need for a new religion. Moreover, they told Akbar that this Dīn, i.e., Islām, came by means of an unlettered person, and Akbar was also unlettered. So, by means of Akbar, the unlettered person, a new religion will be born, and Akbar will invent it.

Akbar then invented his religion called Dīn-e-Ilāhī, which was a mixture of various religions. In the same way, there are modernist and liberal scholars and du’āt who are also calling to a newfound religion, the Abrahamic Religion. It is also a mixture of the religions, and it is also being promoted and trumpeted by evil scholars who have gone astray.

The Dīn-e-Ilāhī of Akbar was washed away and swept away in history, along with the evil ‘Ulamā’ who suggested it in the first place. In the same way, the Abrahamic Religion will be swept away and washed away, along with the evil scholars who promote it.

Foolish people tried to attack Islām before, and it is only the foolish who will try to attack it again under the slogans of interfaith, multi-faith, and Abrahamic Religion. May Allāh Ta’ālā protect us all from the fitan targeting our īmān, and the evil scholars who promote the same. Āmīn 

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