The Devilish Plan to Spread Irtidad Amongst the Muslims


'When the British came to India and they took control of the country, they tried to spread Christianity throughout the land. On the other side, the Hindus decided that whichever Muslims are living here, they should all be converted to Hinduism. As a result, there were many debates held. The pundits came out into the field, and debates with them started in various places. They encouraged the poor and weak Muslims to become Hindu. The Christians opened their mouths big and wide, and they spread their priests and reverends throughout the country. They went out to convert the Muslims to Christianity and make the Muslims turn away from Islām. This was a critical time in which the Muslims could have easily been turned away from Islām. However, the Muslims also began debating.

Now there were debates, sometimes with the pundits, and sometimes with the priests. However, may Allāh Ta’ālā reward our ‘Ulamā’, the ‘Ulamā’ of Deoband, who, in those conditions decided on abandoning whatever was affecting them, and began taking a share in the debates. They gave jaw breaking answers to the pundits and priests. If they heard that in a certain place, there was a pundit or priest that came to debate, then Mawlānā Nānotwī raimahullāh and others would go there. In the trying conditions, they faced these pundits and priests, and broke their arguments, until, Alamdulillāh, the Muslims got courage, and they remained firm upon their religion. These pundits and priests failed in their ventures.

After this, this caravan of ‘Ulamā’ continued ahead, and they established Dār-ul-‘Ulūm Deoband, Maẓāhir-ul-‘Ulūm Saharanpur, other Madāris and Marākiz, and they were a display of piety and purity. They made so much of sacrifice that today it is difficult to comprehend.'                              


[Kamālāt ‘Ulamā’-e-Deoband, Madinah Academy, UK, Dhul-Qa’dah 1444|May 2023]

Note: Just as the previous ‘Ulamā’-e-Ḥaq sacrificed their families, lives, enjoyments, and spare time to guard and protect the Dīn of Islām, we should be doing exactly the same, as we take their names on a daily basis. If we are sincere, then the help of Allāh Ta’ālā is assured. For this reason, all students, graduates, ‘Ulamā’, Qurrā’, Imāms, Muftīn, male and female, young and old, are called on to guard Islām and īmān from those who wish to plunder it. Let us all stand up together and fight heresy, irtidād, kufr, shirk, bid’ah, ḍalālah, and irreligiousness. There is an abundance of resources. All we have to do is stand up with the truth, recognize the truth, and propagate it. Whilst we might bear the brunt of insults, remember that all the Ambiyā’ went through the same, yet they are highly honoured to this day. The least we can do in these times of strife is not fall for lies and heresy. ‘Ulamā’ in previous times had to deal with Hindus and Christians, whilst we have the whole lot of religions and anti-religious movements around us. The greater the test, the greater will the help of Allāh Ta’ālā be. Hence, if anyone promotes heresy, equality of religions, equality of the sexes, modernism, liberalism, and perennialism, then work hard to refute it and guard the īmān and Dīn of the Ummah. The Ummah will definitely appreciate this venture. May Allāh Ta’ālā help and guide us all. Āmīn

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