The Modernist Attack upon Īmān: Rationality


The Modernist Attack upon Īmān: Rationality

By the grace and mercy of Allāh Ta’ālā, we have commenced a series of refuting the doubts, misconceptions, and arguments proffered by Modernists and Liberals. This series is titled ‘Zahaq-al-Bāṭil’, i.e., Falsehood has Perished. We make du’ā’ to Allāh Ta’ālā for sincerity, acceptance, and goodness.

The material for this series is drawn from Sharḥ Al-Intibāhāt Al-Mufīdah ‘an Al-Ishtibāhāt Al-Jadīdah, Rabī-uth-Thānī 1442|November 2020.

One of the most common attacks upon īmān from the Modernists seems to be very ‘serious’. It is churned out by those who are affected and impressed by the Modernist discourse, especially from those who refer to themselves as ‘academics’.

The attack of the Modernists is ‘rationality’. Modernists harp on issues when they seem ‘irrational’, even if they are matters of īmān and ākhirah. Hence, it is essential to respond to this issue effectively. Understand very well that if a person does not understand something, this does not mean it is false.

“Our brothers studied a lesson in which it was stated that whatever they do not understand, it should be declared ‘irrational’. Hence, it should be dismissed. Then, they go about interfering with the nuṣūṣ, i.e., shar’ī texts.

According to them, i.e., the modernists, it is irrational to walk on the bridge of ṣirāṭ. In addition, all matters pertaining to the ‘ākhirah and the miracles of the Ambiyā’ are irrational and beyond comprehension. In this way, they have set about abbreviating and selecting whatever beliefs they want to for themselves.

Now, even the meaning of īmān has changed, and it is not what it originally was. According to them, īmān refers to believing and accepting whatever was explained by Rasūlullāh g and it is in harmony with their logic and understanding.

To such people, I ask, “The way in which a person was born and he came from the womb of his mother, is it something rational and in accordance to your understanding?” By Allāh, we are not astonished simply because of the fact that we witness it literally on a daily basis. If we did not witness it and we had to learn about it only through the explanation of someone, then it would have never been rational and in harmony with our understanding and intellect.

This can be tested. Monitor a student by ensuring that he does not hear or see childbirth, ever, in any form. Then teach him philosophy, science, and medicine but do not teach him how a child is born. Then, once he completes his BA, MA, and LLB, then tell him, “Do you know how birth takes place?” Tell him that his father first had relations with his mother, then semen was emitted and it went into the womb of the mother. Then it became blood, then a clot, then a piece of flesh, then bones came into it, then the entire body was formed. The soul was put into it, after nine months, it came from the private part of the mother. Now, that very same blood comes out in the form of breastmilk and the child grows on it.

By Allāh, I am telling with truth, such a person will vehemently deny this. He will say that it is irrational and beyond understanding that from a drop, such a beautiful body can be made. Then, it is even more irrational for it to come from the private part, which is so narrow.

Now, tell me, if we accept the principle (of the Modernists), that if something cannot be comprehended or understood, it is wrong, then you being born from the womb of your mother is also wrong.”

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