The 'Human Dogs' Phenomenon


After Transgenderism and Homosexuality, we now find a hullaballoo about 'human dogs'. Human Dogs have their own flag. Dogs like bones, so the bone is depicted on the flag. 

After Europe, human dogs are now sprouting in Canada. Human dogs are people who want to live the 'dog life'. They dress up as dogs, with a dog mask, they put tails at their bottoms, hang their tongues out, put leashes around their necks, bark, and consume dog food. 

A doctor in Toronto  writes that one will have to take extra precaution when taking public transport, as a human dog could bark at you at any moment. They could even bite you! Now, there are requests being made for separate seating in the buses for public transport for these human dogs, as it forms part of their basic rights. This is because it is 'disgraceful' for them to sit on a normal human seat. 

In Britain, there are more than ten thousand human dogs. It is shocking to note that a large number of these human dogs have acquired tertiary education, and they hold good positions too. There are 'dogs' and 'female dogs' amongst them. 

This is the freedom gifted to the world by 'European Civilization'. These are the 'sophisticated' nations that everyone strives to follow. Subhanallah, let alone following the dogs, humans are now choosing to be dogs themselves. 

Aside from the barking dogs, one will find a pig farm in the UK, where upper class families choose to live and eat like pigs for a weekend. This is called 'pig therapy'.

All praise is for Allah Ta'ala for the bounty of Islam. We are very happy with traditional Islam, we have no need whatsoever to look towards 'human dogs' and their disgusting lifestyle. 

May Allah Ta'ala keep us steadfast on Islam until our last breath, and may He guide us to come out of the infatuation for 'European Civilization' and the 'Advanced West'. Ameen 

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