Seven Brothers - All Badri Sahabah radiyallahu 'anhum

When Rasūlullāh sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam was at Dār-ul-Arqam, Iyās bin Bukayr bin ‘Abd Yālīl bin Nāshib Al-Kinānī Al-Laythī radiyallhu 'anhu embraced Islām. He was an ally of Banū ‘Adī bin Ka’b bin Lu’ayy. He participated in Badr, Uḥud, Khandaq, and the other expeditions. Similarly, his brothers; ‘Āmir, ‘Āqil, and Khālid also participated in Badr. His uterine brothers; Mu’awwadh, Mu’ādh, and ‘Auf radiyallahu 'anhum also participated in Badr and showed great feats of bravery. 

His mother was a famous ṣaḥābiyyah; ‘Afrā’ bin ‘Ubayd bin Tha’labah Al-Anṣāriyyah An-Najjāriyyah radiyallahu 'anha. The father of the other brothers was Ḥārith bin Rifā’ah Al-Anṣārī Al-Khazrajī radiyallahu 'anhu. ‘Afrā’ radiyallahu 'anha was first married to Ḥārith bin Rifā’ah. They had three sons. After the demise of Ḥārith bin Rifā’ah, she was married to Bukayr bin ‘Abd Yālīl Al-Laythī. They had four sons. The seven brothers are known by the title of Banū ‘Afrā’. They participated in Badr, as stated by Zurqānī in Sharḥ Mawāhib from Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar rahimahullah. This was a unique blessing of Allāh Ta'ala upon these brothers. May Allah bless us all with the unique enthusiasm of these brothers who all stood up and fought for the sake of Allah, to raise the word of Allah, and the desire to sacrifice their lives for Allah. Ameen

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