'Ulama' who have not Stayed in the Company of the Pious become a Means of Fitnah Emerging

Experience bears testimony that whatever fitnah spread in the world - fitnah that caused sects and parties to arise, most of them spread from 'Ulama' that did not stay in the company of the pious. 

It was just the words of the Noble Qur'an and Ahadith that were in front of them. They did not have the way and mannerisms of the pious predecessors in their hearts. That way and mannerism, nature and understanding is referred to as 'colour'. [They did not have that colour on them and in them.] For this reason, fitnah spread mostly from them. 

As for the 'alim who has spent time in the company of the pious, he will have religiosity built up in him, and fitnah will not spread from him. 

Most of the fitnah mongers are such that they have knowledge, but they do not spend time in the company of the pious. Their character has not been rectified and corrected, their way and manner has not been solidified, so one will find disrespect and insolence that spreads from their speech most of the time.

Hakim-ul-Islam Qari Muhammad Tayyib rahimahullah
[Khutbat Hakim-ul-Islam vol.2 p.176]

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