The Abomination of Closing the Masajid or Striving to Prevent their Designated Activities


  The Masājid are the epicenters of the mercy of Allāh Ta’ālā. They are the central structures around which life in the Muslim community revolves, and they are known by Muslims and non-Muslims alike to be the hubs of good activity.

  Every person who attends the Masjid soon develops an affinity with the Masjid itself, the congregational alāh that happens there, the Muslim brothers that attend it, and it becomes part and parcel of his routine and life.

  The Masājid draw the presence of the angels of mercy and people feel at peace when in the Masjid and its surroundings.

  Every human being has been created with the need to turn to Allāh Ta’ālā when in difficulty. Muslims are taught to turn to Allāh Ta’ālā at every moment, not just when in difficulty – which makes the life of a Muslim very different from that of a non-Muslim. A Muslim strives to live and die in the obedience and worship of Allāh Ta’ālā.

  Modernists, who have been affected and polluted by atheistic ideology do not see the importance of the Masjid in the life of a Muslim because worship of Allāh Ta’ālā is something inane to an atheist.

  Modernists have been affected by atheists, who see science as a deity. Hence, they downplay alāh, the Masjid, and Muslim belief in general.

  True Muslims strive to protect and preserve the most essential places and activities, like the Masājid, and are not extreme or controversial in their endeavor.

  The Noble Qur’ān describes those who prevent people from the Masājid as the worst oppressors. Hence, whoever played a role in the past or continues to downplay the essential nature of the Masjid, or tries to change the function of the Masjid will be an oppressor in the sight of Allāh Ta’ālā.

  Oppressors are called and humbly requested to repent for their evil and abominable actions of closing the Masājid and striving to render them empty, or, working towards changing their designated functions.

  Closing a Masjid does not simply means closing it. It means opening up every other avenue that serves the opposite function. When the avenues of goodness are closed, avenues of evil are opened.

  In South Africa, we live the harsh reality of facing death on a daily basis in the form of robberies, accidents, hijackings, rape, and other forms of violence. Those who play the ‘saving lives’ card are silent on this issue.

  For these reasons, a scholar or Islāmic organization is at war with itself when it calls for the closure of the Masājid, and subsequently justifies its position.

  There have been strawman arguments offered by some bodies for its active role in closing the Masājid in South Africa.

  Muslims are bound to establish the worship of Allāh Ta’ālā on earth. When they strive against the worship of Allāh Ta’ālā and those who desire to raise the name of Allāh Ta’ālā, they will be directly under the wrath of Allāh Ta’ālā.

  Whilst 2020 and its dramas have passed, its effects continue to linger in the community. Justification for Masjid closure is not and will never be accepted.

  Whilst respect and tolerance is adopted when differing in jurisprudence related matters, there can be no tolerance for a clear and direct attack on the Masjid and its related activities – as it equates to an attack against Islām and the Muslim community at large.

  May Allāh Ta’ālā accept all those who strive to enliven the Masājid, and protect the Masājid and their related activities. May Allāh Ta’ālā save us all from the evil of closing the Masājid and working to render them useless. May Allāh Ta’ālā open the eyes of all the Muslims worldwide and grant them the taufīq to flock altogether to the Masājid in any and every condition. Āmīn

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