The Slanderers of Sayyidah Ayesha radiyallahu 'anha
Allah Ta'ala himself declared the innocence of Sayyidah Ayesha radiyallahu 'anha in numerous ayaat of the Noble Qur'an.
Allah Ta'ala has warned in the Noble Qur'an that those who slandered Sayyidah Ayesha radiyallahu 'anha are 'cursed in this world and in the hereafter,' that they will suffer an 'excruciating punishment', and that 'Allah will give them the full punishment due to them'.
However, a group pretending to be Muslims, who call themselves 'Shias', claim that the slander directed at Sayyidah Ayesha radiyallahu 'anha was true.
These ignorant people also have the audacity to say that Sayyiduna Mahdi radiyallahu 'anhu will lash the grave of Sayyidah Ayesha radiyallahu 'anha - as a penalty for fornication - when he comes to this world. They are therefore falsifying the Noble Qur'an, thus joining the ranks of the Kuffaar. They are also 'cursed in this world and in the hereafter.'
Anwaar-ul-Bayaan [Illuminating Discourses on the Noble Qur'an] by Mufti Muhammad Aashiq Ilahi Muhajir Madani rahimahullah, vol.3 p.445