What is a gigolo? Let us study the definition properly first,
Now, is MTJ a gigolo or not? That's the question.
Let us analyze the following program of MTJ in UK in January 2024,
The 'spiritual evening' with MTJ was held in a concert arena. What kind of spirituality was being imparted there?
That's problematic enough. What is worse is what follows,
Prior to the 'spiritual evening', there was a FEMALE ONLY meet and greet. Astaghfirullah. Then, a VIP meet and greet for 99 pounds! What were the women doing spending 99 pounds to meet a strange bearded man, who poses with his kurta and turban on? This is nothing but prostitution and reverse prostitution.
This evidence is enough to denounce MTJ and his filthy antics.
Once again, the hosts of MTJ in South Africa are called upon in advance to cancel the events of this filthy vile Shia loving gigolo.
Which Muslim father and husband in his right sense of mind will allow his daughter or wife to meet and greet a vile Shia lover for 99 pounds? Where has shame, modesty, and morality gone?
The females around the world must be on their guard. Don't attend any of MTJ's programs and plead with your husbands, brothers, fathers, and uncles not to go either.
Please inform all Ulama and Imams to warn their respective communities from this gigolo, MTJ. At all cost, Ulama and Imams must not attend the programs of MTJ, they must never advertise them, never encourage them, and must speak out against this deviance and filth.
May Allah Ta'ala save us all. Ameen