The Destruction of Islām at the Hands of [Ml] Tariq Jameel
All praise is for Allāh Ta’ālā, Rabb of the Worlds. May Durūd and Salām
be upon the greatest of the creation, Sayyidunā Muḥammad Rasūlullāh Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn,
and upon his blessed family and noble companions.
For a long time, the un-Islāmic actions of [Ml] Tariq Jameel have been
brought to the notice of ‘Ulama in Pakistan and other countries of the world. His
filthy and rotten immoral actions have shocked people around the world. Yet,
there are ignorant and confused crowds that still flock around this devilish
character, who has earned the anger of many sincere ‘Ulama and pious Muslims. It
is well known in Arabic that ‘for all things flung aside, there are always
people to pick them up.’
Books have been written on him, detailing all his anti-Islāmic comments
and destructive lewd filth. ‘Ulama must study Kalimat-ul-Haadi by Mufti ‘Isa Khan
and Zubdat-ul-Fawā’id li Taḥfīẓ-ul-‘Aqā’id by Maulānā Iqbāl Rangūnī.
[Ml] Tariq Jameel has been at the forefront of erasing the barriers of
disbelief and blasphemy from the minds and hearts of the Muslim Ummah. He has
been downplaying the severity of the filth of the Rawāfiḍ by visiting them,
hugging and kissing them, remaining silent in the face of all the cursing of
the blessed Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum in his very own country, and then
justifying all of the above by throwing the ‘Ulama of the Ummah under the bus. Not
once has he denounced the assassinations of ‘Ulama at the hands of the Rawāfiḍ
in his own country, nor has he had the courage to utter a word in the face of the
Shia massacres carried out in Syria, as we write. [Ml] Tariq Jameel has
proven to be spineless when the Shia bombed Masājid in Syria and desecrated the
graves of the most illustrious of the Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum. If he loves
and defends them so much, does it not beg the question, is he one of them? He probably
One of the famous lines of [Ml] Tariq Jameel, now also known as Tariq
Dhaleel, i.e., Tariq the Disgraced, is that Jannah is very wide and big and it
is the ‘Ulama that have limited and restricted it.
It comes as no surprise, that the local fanboys of the disgraced [Ml]
Tariq Jameel, repeat the very same lines parrot fashion, in order to justify
their own lusts and cravings to see and mix with strange females and engage in
public displays of adultery and immorality.
Yes, Jannah is very big and wide. It is for all those who unreservedly
have conviction in the oneness of Allah, the finality of the Nubuwwah of
Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the lofty and grand position of the Ṣaḥābah
raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum, and Islām as the final and overpowering Dīn that abrogates
every other religion before it.
Jannah is not cheap, it is not bartered away, nor sold away to those who
swear and curse the Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum, it is not some cheap fake
imported sub-standard piece of furniture that the deviated and astray scholars
like [Ml] Tariq Jameel would like to make you believe.
For some time now, [Ml] Tariq Jameel, the disgraced orator who fondles actresses
and females on camera whilst wearing his kurta and topi, has been working feverishly
to bring all the worst of the disbelievers under the umbrella of ‘the Muslim
Ummah’. He has been to Shia Temples, Sikh Temples, and Barelwi Janazahs, all in
order to create ‘unity’. By dancing in this whirlpool of urine and feces, he
has displayed his true colors of being an interfaith advocate of the worst
Close to Qiyāmah, there will arise a large number of the minions of
Dajjāl. They will set the stage of deception upon deception, luring humanity into
the trap of the ultimate deceiver, the major Dajjāl. The minions of Dajjāl will
do the same as their master; deceive, lie, and cheat people of their most
precious asset, īmān. This is precisely what [Ml] Tariq Jameel, the mini Dajjāl
is doing.
When we look at the blessed words of Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
sallam for guidance regarding Dajjāl and his traps, we find that he has advised
us to spit in the face of Dajjāl and to recite the first few āyāt of Sūrah al-Kahf
(Mustadrak Ḥākim, authenticated by Dhahabī, Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabīr of Ṭabarānī).
We ask Allāh Ta’ālā, through his infinite grace and mercy to accept this
article as a means of spitting in the face of this mini Dajjāl, [Ml] Tariq
Jameel, and we call upon the hosts to cancel his tour of South Africa. We sincerely
ask all Muslims, males and females, not to register and attend his deceptive programs
of falsehood and evil, and we ask for protection from every form of deception
associated with Dajjāl, Āmīn
[Mufti] Abdullah Moolla, Azaadville, 14 Jumad al-Ula 1446 | 16 November