The Approach of Modernists & Deviants


The Modernists are very quick to harp on about 'approach'. The only 'approach' they have a problem with is how the traditionalists object to their deviated ideas, beliefs, and principles.

What 'approach' does the Modernist Use?

To begin with, a Modernist adopts the 'deceit and ambush' approach, or 'hit and run' approach. 

The 'Deceit & Ambush' Approach

The Modernists are masters at lying, deceiving, and double dealing. They come to the common Muslim with the garb of a traditional Muslim, wearing a thobe and a scarf, but lie in such a way that puts Iblis to shame. 

The lying and deceiving Modernist wins you over by making you believe that he or she is a traditionalist. Once he or she wins your confidence through his or her sweet tongue and wide audience, he or she slowly starts feeding you modernist ideas. In that way, you find it extremely difficult to distance yourself from him or her. He or she planted the trap and you fell in. 

The 'Smash & Grab' or 'Hit & Run' Approach

The Modernists adopt the hit and run approach from the notorious thieves at traffic stops in South Africa. They desire to snatch your imaan and leave you penniless too. They will host events and programs and online courses that you have to pay high fees to attend, but leave you listless and empty. They show you how to mix freely and engage in adultery at these events, whilst listening to music and 'Islamic songs'.  

Un-Islamic Ideas 

By planting their un-Islamic ideas in your mind through their events and online courses, they rob you of your faith and spirituality without you realizing it. Once you find yourself out in the cold, running about in a lost frenzy, that's when it hits you that they cut you off from your roots and planted hatred in your heart for the traditional and genuine pious Ulama. 

The 'approach' issue brought about by the modernists and deviants is nothing but a load of garbage and tons of sewage.

The modernists, in general, know the truth of traditional Islamic teaching, yet they go about acting as though there is no traditional Islamic heritage. 

May Allah Ta'ala guide them out of their deviation and bring them back onto the path of traditional Islam. May Allah Ta'ala save all the Muslims around the world from the modernist approaches and traps. Ameen

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