The "Adab of Ikhtilaf" Adopted by Modernists & Deviants


One of the most common arguments proffered by modernists and deviants is that of 'Adab of Ikhtilaf', in order to justify their un-Islamic, anti-Islamic and Islamophobic positions. For practical purposes, it is not Adab of Ikhtilaf, but abuse of Adab of Ikhtilaf.

Adab of Ikhtilaf is a noble and blessed concept that exists amongst the jurists and scholars of the Ummah. Not only are scholars, but even common Muslims, are encouraged to adopt Adab when differing, and to display excellent conduct in day-to-day life. 

The jurists and scholars of the Ummah upheld this concept with all honesty and integrity and applied it correctly, showing the Muslim Ummah that despite having a valid different opinion, how they could all get along as Muslim brothers, and building a strong and fortified community. 

In recent times, however, we find that modernists and deviants promote the worst forms of heresy and deviance as valid Islamic views, and have the audacity to respond to their opposition with the 'Adab of Ikhtilaf' card. 

A modernist will generally harp on an obscure view in order to justify his or her hedonistic stance. When called out for the same, he or she will begin the Adab of Ikhtilaf slogans, then use mafia style tactics to silence the traditional scholar/s usually through character assassination, isolating the traditional scholars, banning him/them from public platforms, casting false aspersions, creating a false image of the traditional views, and promoting other modernists to soothe their carnal desires. 

Now, in all of these actions of the modernists and deviants, where is the 'Adab'? What are the sources of 'Adab' adopted by modernists and deviants? Is the 'Ikhtilaf' presented by modernists and deviants genuine 'Ikhtilaf', or, is it actually Islamophobic actions and tendencies?  

Modernists and deviants hold positions like 'permissibility of free mixing', 'authenticity of religious equality', 'superiority of the constitution', 'democracy is the ideal', 'we are working towards the ideal', 'we don't like it, but we are bound to the laws under which we live', 'our Ulama were tolerant', 'Islam is flexible', 'Islam is progressive', 'we are being pro-active' etc. 

All of these positions are anti-Islamic and Islamophobic. Period. 

These positions and views are used to scuttle the traditional views of genuine Muslim scholars, to undermine the authenticity of the Sunnah, and degrade the divine word and command of Allah Ta'ala. This is being done by scholars and commoners alike. 

From this, we understand that the concept of 'Adab of Ikhtilaf' is being abused, misused, and misapplied in order to replace the pristine teachings of Islam by pushing modernist principles down the throats of the unsuspecting and ignorant masses. 

Modernists and deviants have no problem with deception, lying, fraud, and treachery - as long as the people continue swallowing the lies and paying for deviance, selling Islam and Imaan.  

All Muslims must acquaint themselves with the genuine teachings of the Noble Qur'an, the Blessed Sunnah, and the lives of the pious predecessors, and then hold onto it for dear life. In this lies safety and protection. 

May Allah Ta'ala accept us all to protect the pristine teachings of Islam, and may he forgive our shortcomings and deficiencies. Ameen

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