Should all Opinions be Respected?

Generally, the differences between the 'Ulama and A'immah are respected. Each opinion is given its due respect. However, many are unaware that there are conditions which are necessary for an opinion to be regarded as valid. In current times, many echo the call to unity and respect amongst the ranks of the 'Ulama whilst failing to realise that a large portion of opinions which are held by certain "Ulama" are not even regarded as valid by the Shariah. This is due to the fact that their opinions are in direct conflict with the Qur'an and Sunnah. When an opinion is in direct conflict with the Qur'an and Sunnah then it is rejected. 

قال الامام الشاطبي 
فمن الأقوال ما يكون خلافا لدليل قطعي، من نص متواتر ، أو إجماع قطعي ............          فأما المخالف للقطعي ؛ فلا إشكال في اطراحه 
"Amongst the different opinions are those which are in conflict with a Dalil Qat'i, i.e., a nass e mutawaatir (Qur'an and Mutawatir Hadith) or Ijma'-e-Qat'i. 

As for the one who whose opinion is in conflict with a Daleel Qat'i then there is no objection or ambiguity regarding it's rejection (meaning it is rejected without question). 

قال الإمام العز ابن عبد السلام 
 أن مأخذ المخالف ، إن كان في غاية الضعف والبعد من الصواب ، فلا نظر إليه ، ولا التفات عليه ، إذا كان ما اعتمد عليه لا يصح نصه دليلا شرعا 
(قواعد الأحكام في مصالح الأنام) 

"If the source of the one who differs has reached the limits of weakness (meaning that it is extremely weak) and is far from being correct, then no consideration will be given to such an opinion nor will it be given any attention. This is especially when such a Daleel cannot be considered as a valid Daleel in the Shari'ah."

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