MTJ at Gulen's Temple


MTJ has been invited to South Africa. Deceptive tactics have been utilised to usher him in, to give him a platform to spread his deviated teachings, involving compromising the pristine religion of Islam, and selling disbelief and deviation to the Muslim public who are awed by his celebrity personality. 

One of the proposed venues for this agent of Dajjal is Gulen's Temple. Gulen was a father figure of interfaith heresy on a global level. He was an imposter and false prophet, the 'Qadiyani of Turkey'. 

Gulen died disgracefully in the hands and arms of his masters in US and was given a Christian funeral. See the following news article confirming this: 
Let us digest this for a moment, how on earth is a so-called Muslim religious preacher ostensibly lecturing on Islam from an interfaith platform? 

If we scratch a little more, we find that MTJ spoke from various non-Muslim platforms before. So, speaking from an interfaith platform is no issue for him at all. He spoke passionately at a Shia Temple in Gilgit, at a Sikh Gurdwara in Kartarpur, at disco type halls in Canada with blaring music in front of girls and ladies drooling over him, and at cinema type halls in UK. 

Interfaith has nothing to do with Islam and Islam has nothing to do with Interfaith. 

It is mentioned in the Ahadith that close to Qiyamah, it will become difficult to hold onto Islam and Imaan. We are witnessing this unfold before us. We have a scene of Muslims desirous of leaving the fold of Imaan and Islam, whilst running like mad animals behind a celebrity who is selling the religion of Islam, and making others do the same. Our complaint is only to Allah Ta'ala. 

A person engaged in interfaith heresy is obviously welcome at an interfaith temple. This begs the question, what are Muslims running behind him for? They get nothing but regret, remorse, and loss of spirituality, and Allah forbid, they could lose their Imaan. 

All Muslims are called upon to rally behind the true and genuine 'Ulama who are working tirelessly to save the Imaan and Islam of the masses from being eroded and destroyed by celebrities like MTJ and his followers. 

May Allah Ta'ala guide all the Muslims of South Africa to flee far from MTJ and his falsehood. Ameen

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