Mothers & the Battlefields of Afghanistan by Mawlana Afzal Ismail
A young 26-year old Mujahid from one of the provinces of Afghanistan explained what had motivated him to fight in Jihad. He said that he was a student before the American invasion. When the Americans invaded his land, his mother called him and said to him, “Son, you were in your cradle when your father became a martyr. Your father was martyred by the Soviets. When your father's body was lying on the ground, I went to pick up his gun - the gun with which he used to fight the Soviets. I have safely kept that gun until now. Today, the American forces have invaded our land.” She placed the gun in his hand, took hold of his collar and said, “Until the invaders are in our land and until you are alive, you will not put this gun down. If you do, I will grab you by your collar on the day of Qiyamah.”
1. The West and even some modern Muslims regard such women as ignorant and uneducated. But, they are by no means uneducated and ignorant. They produced generations of mujahideen who fought for Islam. This in itself tells volumes of their knowledge and understanding of life.
2. The West is hell-bent on criticizing the Afghani government who have placed restrictions on women attending schools and universities. The West wants to entice women into public spaces so that their morals and ideologies are corrupted through intermingling, corrupt education and other evils. Such women suit the Western agenda perfectly because they are trained to adore and adopt Western culture. Such women are not a threat to the West.
3. The enemy fears mothers who encourage their sons to make jihad for the pleasure of Allah.
4. Mothers who view the world through the eyes of kufr will encourage their children towards maal (wealth). Mothers who view the world through the eyes of imaan will encourage their children towards a’maal (good deeds).
5. May Allah greatly reward the mothers of the Mujahideen in the lands of Islam. Their tears and blood will never be in vain.