The Masajid are only for Allah Ta'ala

 And [He revealed] that the Masjids are for Allāh, so do not invoke with Allāh anyone. [Surah al-Jinn: 18]

[They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right only because they say, "Our Rabb is Allāh." And were it not that Allāh checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allāh is much mentioned [i.e., praised]. And Allāh will surely support those who support Him [i.e., His cause]. Indeed, Allāh is Powerful and Exalted in Might. [Surah al-Hajj: 40]

The Masājid of Allāh are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allāh and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakāh and do not fear except Allāh, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided. [Surah at-Taubah: 18]

And never will the Jews and the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allāh is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allāh no protector or helper. [Surah al-Baqarah: 120]

The Modernist Fracas

1.     The modernists and interfaith advocates have suddenly become very vocal about the fracas they have created surrounding the Mosque Open Day event.

2.     The modernists and interfaith advocates have displayed zero interest in attempting to understand the issue wholistically. Rather, they are working tirelessly and aimlessly with the desire to somehow establish the ‘importance’ and ‘necessity’ of the Mosque Open Day event.

3.     The modernists and interfaith advocates are hiding behind fatāwā that permit the entry of non-Muslims into the Masājid. Whilst the position of the Anāf on this issue and the fatāwā have been issued in accordance to the queries, they have nothing to do with the Mosque Open Day event. The dishonesty of the modernists is nauseating.

4.     The Mosque Open Day event must be looked at from all angles, rather than using myopic lenses and jaundiced vision to prove something irreligious and heretic.

5.     In their usage of fatāwā regarding the entry of non-Muslims into the Masjid, the modernists and interfaith advocates are not revealing that the Mosque Open Day is the prime event of the year to promote the interfaith movement and all its related evil and filth. Why are they not promoting the fatāwā that denounce the Mosque Open Day event on the whole, as well as the polytheism and heresy that interfaith holds?

6.     Modernists and interfaith advocates suffer an identity crisis. Their nature and methodology can be easily likened to a confused chameleon stuck in a smarties box. At various parts of the year, they take on various shades and hues of blue, pink, green, and purple, each time thinking and feeling that they are displaying the true colours of Islām.

7.     A true Muslim adorned with the colours of Islām does not commit or call to polytheism and unity of religions, rather he or she calls to pristine tauḥīd and the worship of Allāh alone in the Masājid that are established solely for the remembrance of Allāh Ta’ālā, and all associated activities.

8.     The interfaith advocates are very vocal now, whereas they were the very same ones who supported the closure of the Masājid not so long ago. How can this be reconciled?  

9.     The interfaith advocates are not revealing the fact that the Mosque Open Day is aimed getting the Muslim public to embrace all faiths under the Zionist umbrella, because the Mosque Open Day creates the impression that all the incursions into the pure precincts of Al-Masjid Al-Aqṣā must now be accepted and embraced too.

10. The interfaith advocates and modernists are not revealing the fact that the gender confused crowd and alphabet soup community are also part and parcel of the interfaith community and they are also most welcome at Mosque Open Day events.

11. No amount of compromise in Tauḥīd will convince the interfaith community that Islām is the only religion and way of life accepted by Allāh Ta’ālā because the objective of the Mosque Open Day is to promote equality, unity of religions, and harmony in the disobedience of Allāh Ta’ālā.

The Reality of Mosque Open Day

1.     The Mosque Open Day has no precedent in the Noble Qur’ān, the Blessed Sunnah, the Pristine Sīrah, or the lives of the pious predecessors of the Muslim Ummah. The incidents from the Blessed Sīrah are being twisted out of context to prove the interfaith activity of Mosque Open Day. If the incident of the people of Najrān is being voiced so passionately, then the subsequent challenge and mubāhalah must be promoted with the same level of passion and ferocity.

2.     The Mosque Open Day is spurred on by the irreligious class that desire to render the Masājid null and void of guidance as dictated by the Noble Qur’ān and the Blessed Sunnah.

3.     The Mosque Open Day is to be held on a specific day and date ostensibly for inviting people to Islām, whereas people can be invited to Islām on any day, without compromising the īmān of the Muslim Ummah.

4.     At a Mosque Open Day event, people from all religions are invited to the pure and blessed precincts of the Masjid to participate in activities like watching wuḍū’, ṣalāh, talking to the Imām (in most cases, without segregation and ḥijāb) taking part in mendhi application, adjusting the Masjid set up to resemble that of a Church and Synagogue, and mixing with the Muslim community.

5.     The Churches, Monasteries, and Synagogues have long ago moved away from their original purpose – which was to remember Allāh Ta’ālā, but are now hubs of polytheism and calling unto deities besides Allāh Ta’ālā.

6.     The irreligious heretics and atheists who ascribe themselves to Christianity and Judaism have nothing to do with the pure Dīn that was revealed to Sayyidunā Mūsā ‘alayhi as-salām and Sayyidunā ‘Īsā ‘alayhi as-salām.

The Ideal

1.     Guard and protect the Masjid, and use it for its proper purpose.

2.     Call the non-Muslims on a daily basis to Islām, rather than on one day of the year only, using alien methods to Islām.

3.     Make a concerted effort to establish pristine Tauḥīd amongst all Muslims.

4.     Make du’ā’ daily for all the Muslims to remain firm upon pure Dīn, and for all the non-Muslims to be guided to the truth of Islām.

5.     Do not fall prey to modernist agendas that taint īmān and Islām, playing into the hands of the disbelievers, and Zionists.

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