Refutation of the Deviant Sects can never be called 'fitnah'


Khatib Tabrezi rahimahullah (the compiler of Mishkat) follows Imam Bukhari rahimahullah

The great Muhaddith, Khatib Tabrezi rahimahullah followed Imam Bukhari rahimahullah at the end of Mishkat-ul-Masabih by working against the deviated sects. The last major chapter of Sahih al-Bukhari and the last chapter of Mishkat-ul-Masabih are two spheres of the same ruling. 

Imam Bayhaqi rahimahullah transmits a report from Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, "At the end part of this Ummah there will be a people that will earn reward like that of the first generation. They will command the good, forbid the evil, and will fight against the people of fitnah." [Mishkat, Dala'il-un-Nubuwwah]

The commentators of Hadith have stated that people of fitnah (ahl-ul-fitan) in this report refers to those who rebel against the Khilafat, the Khawarij, the Rawafid, and other innovators. The Mujaddid of the tenth century, Mulla 'Ali Qari rahimahullah explains the very same thing in Mirqat-ul-Mafatih. 

Khatib Tabrezi rahimahullah has taught the lesson of refuting the people of falsehood at the end of his book, and has, in essence, sincerely followed Imam Bukhari rahimahullah. Imam Bukhari rahimahullah refuted the Jahamiyyah at the end of his compilation. 


Those who never stand up for the sake of Deen, in refuting falsehood, and never even resort to making an indication in refutation of the people of falsehood, they can never be on the way and path of Imam Bukhari rahimahullah. 

Imam Bukhari rahimahullah was the great Muhaddith of his time, and he prepared an excellent work on Hadith for the Ummah. Why did he never think, 'I shall only write positive things. I shall not refute anyone.' If he did this, then there would have been no one to stop him, but he knew that the Deen and Shari'ah is not only to state and explain the positive things. In order to protect and guard this Deen, one will have to face and combat falsehood. In this Ummah, there have been many books written by the people of truth against the people of falsehood in which the names of the deviants were taken. 

Ilham-ul-Bari fi Tafheem Sahih al-Bukhari, 'Allamah Khalid Mahmud rahimahullah

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