Muslim Jews or Jewish Muslims?

Bernard Lewis is a famous Orientalist of this age. He is accepted in western circles as a noted personality in terms of the Islāmic sciences. His opinion has great importance according to them with regards to the psychology of the Islāmic world, its condition, as well as its future. 

An Orientalist is a person who is not a Muslim, but he has studied the Islāmic sciences, and the eastern languages. Whilst Rasūlullāh sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam was living in the world, the Jews adopted a way in which they announced that they were Muslims; they wore clothes like that of the Muslims, they adopted the outer features of the Muslims, they would keep names resembling the names of the Muslims, and after some time, they would leave the religion. They would say that they did not find the signs of the true religion in it. They did this so that uneducated Arabs would hear about the result determined by these so-called educated people of their ‘study of Islām without proper investigation’, and fall into doubt and misunderstanding. Their plot did not succeed. This is because in front of Sayyidunā Muammad Rasūlullāh sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam were his dedicated students in whose hearts the light of guidance had taken root. All these Dajjālī tricks and cunning ploys could not affect the belief and viewpoint of these true lovers of Allāh Ta'ala. For this reason, the blessed group of the aḥābah radiyallahu 'anhum stood as a mountain of steadfastness in the face of the physical suffering, exile, murder, loss of life and wealth that came upon them from the polytheists. 

In the same way, the ‘scholarly research’ of the Jews (which can be referred to as the professors and scholars that are patronized by the Jews and conduct scientific Islāmic research) could not make an iota of an impact in their love and devotion to Allāh Ta'ala and Rasūlullāh sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and their holding firmly to the religion of Islām with steadfastness.

Work of izb-ush-Shayṭān

After the passing of the best of eras, the methods of the Jews took on a very dangerous form. Groups upon groups of Orientalists were formed for this purpose. In order to destroy the Dīn of Islām and break off the connection of the Muslims from the Noble Qur’ān and the Blessed Sunnah, they tested the attack of mixing the truth with the falsehood. They undertook a deep study of the Islāmic sciences, and opened the door to useless debates and fruitless investigations and this progressed to such a degree that whoever dived into them came out with nothing to this day. 

They tested the same devilish method on Christianity. Christianity could not withstand the attack and the Christians are wandering like lost sheep until now. Because Islām is the final Dīn and the Noble Qur’ān is the final Book, that is why this devilish plan of the Jews could not do anything other than create a number of deviated and astray sects, whilst the majority part of the Muslim Ummah remained protected from all this mischief. Just as Shayṭān does not stop from his evil deeds even after being defeated repeatedly, in the same way, Judaism played the role of being the group of Shayṭān and they continue to attack Islām until today. 

There is no shortage of doctors, scholars, and professors in the Muslim society that have gone to Europe and America, and have studied the Islāmic sciences from these Jewish Orientalists. They then acquired doctorates, and brought back methods of mixing the truth with the falsehood, resulting in what is known as ‘modern Islām’ today. The proper name for this is ‘Jewish Islām’ or ‘Islāmic Judaism’. These people want to do to the Muslims the same thing that they did to the Christians, by inventing ‘Christian Judaism’ or ‘Jewish Christianity’. Sir Sayyed, Deputy Naẓīr Amad, Ghulām Amad Qādiyānī, Ghulām Amad Parwez, Muammad ‘Abduh, Ṭāḥā Ḥusayn, Ḍiyā Gokalp, ‘Abdullāh Chakrālwī, Niyāz Fataḥpūrī, Goharshāhī, Babar Chaudhry, Farḥat Ḥāshimī, and Shaykh Muḥammad are the results of these efforts. The matter has now advanced and females are now included as students of these Jewish teachers. They feel that the greatest service to Islām is to somehow build ‘the first Females Mosque’ in Pakistan, something unique in the history of Islām.

Translator's Note: As time has gone on, the Muslims have fallen a step further into the trap of the non-Muslims. We now see scholars - who have studied the Noble Qur'an and the Blessed Sunnah, but are giving the exact same teachings as the liberals and modernists. Subhanallah, despite learning and knowing the truth, they wittingly twist and turn the meaning and purport of the Noble Qur'an to promote every sort of evil and vice under the sun. We have already seen scholars promote intermingling, interfaith, immorality, and other vices. 

May Allah Ta'ala save the entire Ummah from the filth and evil of the scholars that have gone astray. Ameen

Adapted & Translated from: Tears of Aqsa by Mufti Abu Lubabah Shah Mansur hafizahullah

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