When Allāh Ta'ala punished the Jews for their evil deeds and at intervals, Nebuchadnezzar and Titus destroyed Jerusalem, killed thousands of Jews, and banished thousands more, then after remaining in disgrace for a long time, they were given a last chance to be forgiven; they got the choice between forgiveness and remaining stubborn. They could have repented and made Allāh Ta'ala happy. This was the occasion to obey Sayyidunā ‘Īsā 'alayhi as salaam and repent at his hands. They were told that if they distance themselves from sin, resort to seeking forgiveness and repenting, then Allāh Ta'ala will accept their repentance, he will remove their difficulties and he will send a Nabī for their prosperity, he will be a means of their safety and salvation. Through the blessings of obeying him, they will come out of the shackles of difficulty.

From that time, the pious amongst them were waiting for the saviour, but the majority of them remained engrossed in sin and they were impatient. They did not want to abandon the ‘enjoyment’ of sin. At the same time, they wanted to come out of the disgrace and humiliation that was set upon them that could have ended by acquiring the kingdom of Jerusalem located around Mount Zion. In other words, they were seeking the lost paradise, but were not ready to abandon the activities of hell. Gradually, they waited for the saviour whilst having enthusiasm for sin. In this state, they awaited the return of the lost kingdom. Now, this concept took root in their minds to such a degree that they were totally lost in it.

Their ‘Ulamā’ that were called ‘evil scholars’ and fake priests and monks tried to please Allāh Ta'ala and strove to keep Shayṭān happy. This foolish attempt was given a religious colour and they original concept of a Masīḥ was obliterated and a fake and false Masīḥ was presented. Because this fake concept was not possible without interpolating the Taurāt and the Zabūr, that is why they began to interfere and change the scriptures. In following their forefathers, the Shia disbelievers also interpolated the Noble Qur’ān because the foundational belief of Imāmat – a belief alien to Islām – is not found in the Noble Qur’ān at all. Hence, just as the Jews are disbelievers, the Shia are also disbelievers.

In this age of hedonism, whatever polytheistic and corrupt thoughts and ideas were invented, they were moulded into a religion parallel to the religion of Allāh by the efforts of the materialistic religious leaders. This now became an integral part of the Jewish religion. In comparison to this, the real religion brought by the Ambiyā’ 'alayhim as-salaam was declared corrupt, false, and baseless.

On that occasion, the evil scholars of the Banī Isrā’īl treated the Ambiyā’ 'alayhi as-salaam in the same way as the materialist ‘Ulamā’ (of this Ummah) and the ritualistic masses treat the true and genuine ‘Ulamā’. The fake spiritual leaders of the Banī Isrā’īl did not hesitate to kill the Ambiyā’ 'alayhim as-salaam and the just people who spoke the truth when they forbade the evil and wrong. Slowly, but surely, a religion was invented that was a mixture of truth and falsehood and a conglomeration of authentic and corrupt teachings.

Adapted & Translated from Tears of Aqsa of Muftī Abū Lubābah Shāh Manṣūr ḥafizahullāh by Muftī Abdullah Moolla

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