Ridiculing the Adhan

 It is reported that when a certain Christian of Madinah Munawwarah used to hear the words, 'I bear witness that Muhammad is the Rasul of Allah' in the Adhan, he used to say, "The liar has burnt" or "May the liar get burnt". Irrespective of what his intention may have been in saying these words, the reality is that they were applicable to him in full. This is because that wretched person was a liar. Upon witnessing the rise and spread of Islam, he used to burn out of envy. Coincidentally, a maid servant went to his house with a fire while his family and children were asleep. A small spark of fire fell from her hand whereby the entire house together with its inhabitants was burnt. In this way, Allah showed how the liars get burnt in this world even before they can burn in the fire of hell.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the ability to respect the Adhan, the Masjid, and all the hallmarks of Islam. Ameen
Source: Tafsir-e-'Uthmani vol.2 pp.455-456

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