The Great Grandfather of Imām Abū Yūsuf rahimahullah

Imam Abu Yusuf rahimahullah was the prime student of Imam Abu Hanifah rahimahullah. He would write down all the rulings that were reached and decided upon in the gathering of his blessed teacher; Imam Abu Hanifah rahimahullah. He was the first Chief Justice in the history of Islam. However, very few are aware of the glorious history of his great grandfather, Sayyiduna Sa’d bin Ḥabṭah bint Mālik Anṣārī radiyallahu 'anhu.

Sayyidunā Sa’d bin Ḥabṭah bint Mālik Anṣārī radiyallahu 'anhu fought very strongly at the Battle of Khandaq against the polytheists. Rasūlullāh sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam called him. He passed his blessed hand over his head, and he made du’ā’ of blessings for his progeny. 

Subsequently, he became the paternal uncle of 40 people, the maternal uncle of 40 people, and the father of 20 children. Imām Abū Yūsuf rahimahullah is from his progeny. 

The lineage of Imam Abu Yusuf rahimahullah is as follows: Abū Yūsuf Ya’qūb bin Ibrāhīm bin Ḥabīb bin Ḥubaysh bin Sa’d bin Ḥabṭah. Ḥabṭah was the mother of Sayyidunā Sa’d radiyallahu 'anhu. His father was Bujayr and his grandfather was Bajaylah.

From this, we, as Hanafis, understand that fighting in the path of Allah Ta'ala is what brought honor and respect to us. Hence, it is only logical that we follow in the footsteps of the illustrious luminaries whom we follow. May Allah Ta'ala bless us with the taufiq to acquire his pleasure. Ameen 

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