Sponsors of Ḥizbullāh

 Adapted & Translated from: izbullāh Kon He?

‘Alī A-Ṣādiq, 2008, Maktabah Al-Imam Al-Bukhārī

All the expenses of Ḥizbullāh are paid for by Iran. The Iranian government also sponsors the Shia Iraqi organizations called ‘Munazzama Badr (Badr Brigades or Badr Corps)’ and ‘Jaysh-ul-Mahdī’. Both of these organizations are engaged in martyring the Sunnī ‘Ulamā’ in Iraq. With the help of the Shia, they took control of the Sunnī Masājid also.

Ḥizbullāh Branches in the Muslim World

Ḥizbullāh set up branches in the Gulf Countries and the Arabian Peninsula. These branches have the same belief system and modus operandi as Ḥizbullāh. The branches are:

1.       Baḥrainī Ḥizbullāh

2.     Ḥijāzī Ḥizbullāh

3.      Kuwaitī Ḥizbullāh

4.    Yemeni Ḥizbullāh

What are the Objectives of Ḥizbullāh in Lebanon?

1.       Spreading & Propagating the Shia religion in Lebanon

2.     Giving a strong base & position to the Shia in Lebanon

3.      To acquire authority & position in Lebanon

4.    To create a suitable environment for Iran to acquire its aims and objectives, so that Iran can easily call on the Shia population to help them in these objectives.

Taqiyyah [Holy Hypocrisy] of Ḥizbullāh

From the Shia box of tricks, Taqiyyah is utilized most by Ḥizbullāh against the Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jamā’ah. The Shia author, Kāẓim Al-Miṣbāḥ writes in Al-Imām Al-Mahdī wa Mafhūm Al-Intiẓār p.240, ‘The person who practices Taqiyyah is a very high level Mujāhid. However, in the light of the conditions and circumstances, he wages Jihād with foresight and caution. He does not sit back with his hands folded, totally negligent, as is thought about by the simpleton Muslims. Taqiyyah is not a secret and hidden action that is done by a Shia organization or group, but it is a method of working that is in line with the modus operandi of Ḥizbullāh.’

The author of Ḥizbullāh Kon he? says, ‘Whoever ponders over the words of this Shia author will know and understand that Ḥizbullāh adopts Taqiyyah in its speech and correspondence. Now, the secrets of their house have become a weapon against them.

Imām Ash-Shāfi’ī raḥimahullāh said about the Rāfiḍī Shias, “I have never seen greater liars (and those who give false testimony) than the Rawāfiḍ.”

Has Ḥizbullāh ever Raised the Flag of Jihād?

Ḥizbullāh make a big noise about Jihād in Lebanon. However, they have never left the borders of Lebanon and waged Jihād. Ḥizbullāh are friends of all those who support them in acquiring their filthy aims and aspirations, no matter what belief system that person adheres to, even if it be a Christian, a Jew, a Druze, or anything else. Hence, those who have corrupt anti-Islāmic beliefs, work like hypocrites, their struggle can never be an Islāmic Jihād, their fighting can never be for raising the word of Allāh.

The ‘Jihād’ waged by Ḥizbullāh is only to raise the Shia Rāfiḍī belief system in Lebanon. If the actions of Ḥizbullāh were Jihād in the Path of Allāh, then the question arises: When Shaykh Aḥmad Yāsin and ‘Abdul ‘Azīz Rantīsī were martyred by Israeli missiles, then why did Ḥizbullāh not do anything? Why did Israel not fire a single missile towards Ḥizbullāh?

Confession of Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh

Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh has attested to the fact that the ‘fight’ (of Ḥizbullāh) against Israel is not on the basis of belief, and he stated that in future, Ḥizbullāh will never fight against Israel.

This is a slap in the face of those who chant for Ḥizbullāh, and those who think that Ḥizbullāh are honest and are fighting to raise the word of Allāh. This is a wake up call to those who think that Ḥizbullāh will defend the Muslims and Masjid Al-Aqṣā.

The nature and outstanding feature of the work of the Shia is that they give preference to their own gain, in comparison to the benefit of the Ummah. Not only this, but in order to achieve their stinking and filthy aims, they do not stop from resorting to killing off the Muslims!

Dr ‘Alī ‘Abdul Bāqī writes, ‘Undoubtedly, I have noted that the work and effort of the Shia is solely and only an effort for the Shia nation, whether this effort is in Iran, or in Iraq, or in Afghanistan, or in any part of the world. The Shia work for their own personal benefit and aims, and they do not care at all about the aims and benefits of the Ummah. They will strive for their own aims, even if they harm the Muslim Ummah in the process.’

May Allāh Ta’ālā save the Muslims from the evil and filth of the Rawāfiḍ Shia, and may He grant ease and safety to all the Muslims who are being slaughtered by the Shia. Āmīn

Mufti Abdullah Moolla

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