Interfaith cannot be ignored, it must be Refuted


1.    The Phenomenon Interfaith Dialogue & Islamic Shari’ah [sic], dated 7/16/2013 was penned by Mohammedullah Qasmi and is currently being promoted to justify interfaith involvement.

2.    This 2013 article cannot and does not reflect on the ground realities in 2023. Hence, its proliferation to justify involvement with interfaith is deceptive at the least. Interfaith, intra-faith, and multi-faith implications have drastically changed and evolved over the last few years, especially with the signing of interfaith accords and charters.

3.    Muslims are duty bound to spread Tauḥīd in its pristine purity, and the message of Islam in an uncompromised manner, in line with the traditional thought and methodology of the pious scholars who held the flag of Islām aloft – no matter the onslaught they faced.  Muslims can, under no circumstances, engage in learning and teaching polytheism – which is what every religion besides Islām entails. Similarly, Muslims cannot be bound to create common ground with sects that are deeply involved in innovation and polytheistic practices and beliefs.

4.    True and authentic Islām must be practically displayed at all times in order to show the reality of Islām. Islām is a living religion and way of life.

5.    Muslims are being called to learn about other faiths, but the other faiths cannot even tolerate learning the truth about the Sīrah of Rasūlullāh allallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, let alone tolerating Islāmic dressing.

6.    The media, secularists, and modernists have already chosen what type of Islām it likes and prefers, and what type of Muslims they dislike and show disdain for. So, those who engage in ‘interfaith dialogue to create peace and harmony’ are the very same kind of ‘Muslims’ that they are at home with, and want to be around – as these kind of ‘Muslims’ have already compromised.

7.    By engaging in interfaith dialogue and interfaith activities, one only displays one’s own weakness.

8.    Non-Muslims are not attracted to ‘watered-down’ Islām, but true and genuine Islām, as enshrined in the Noble Qur’ān and blessed Sunnah, and has been practiced for centuries.

9.    Interfaith is simply planting the seeds of irtidād, which will sprout later on – and which we are already witnessing in the form of ‘Muslims’ attending Sunday church services, and ‘Muslims’ chanting songs in front of idols.

10.                       Muslims are not obligated to lower themselves into the dregs of polytheism, but to raise humanity out of the darkness of disbelief and polytheism, and into the light of Islām.

11.                       Whilst interfaith activity gains momentum around us, we cannot ignore it, but we must refute it.

12.                       Refuting interfaith is protecting the īmān of Muslims, and is guarding the Dīn of Islām from interpolation and destruction.

13.                       Alamdulillāh, there are many pious ‘Ulamā’ who are educating the public correctly in this regard. May Allāh Ta’ālā accept from them. Āmīn

Mufti Abdullah Moolla

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