Have the Shia ever defended Islām & the Muslims?

Adapted & Translated from: izbullāh Kon He?

‘Alī A-Ṣādiq, 2008, Maktabah Al-Imam Al-Bukhārī

 Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

The Shia organization called Ḥizbullāh was established in Lebanon in 1982. In 1985, they entered politics. They were born from a group called Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia.

In the beginning, they named themselves Ḥarakah Amal Al-Islāmiyyah, so that they could gain acceptance in the Muslim world. They tried this trick with the name because in Lebanese politics, they were restricted to Shia only. The objective of the name change to Ḥarakah Amal Al-Islāmiyyah was to spread Shiasm in Lebanon and the rest of the Muslim world. For this reason, they took on the face of Mujāhidīn whose objective was to defend the Ummah and protect its sacred places.

However, looking at the lowly and filthy actions of Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia, it was not possible for the organization to handle a major task like defending the Muslim Ummah under a new name. Due to this confusion, they formed a new body, which is called Ḥizbullāh today.  The members of this body were presented as heroes in the media, whereas they were very same ones that were killing Muslims yesterday. They were the ones who had a hand in the Sabra and Shatila massacres.

Ḥizbullāh is a deviant body that rule over the masses through media control. The media does not show their aims and objectives to be based on authentic principles of knowledge or historical realities. The work of Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia was restricted to politics. They were calling towards Secularism.

Ḥizbullāh – an extremist Shia body – has great hatred for the Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jamā’ah. Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia and Ḥizbullāh, in essence, are 2 sides of the same coin. The unifying point of both these bodies is to spread Rāfiḍī Shī’ī hatred and extremism towards the Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jamā’ah.   

History of Treachery

The Rāfiḍī Shia have always served in their position of a people who bear and gather arms to harm the Muslims, and to stab their poisoned dagger in the back of the Muslim Ummah. Their actions testify to this throughout history, and this continues to this very day. The Christian governments and empires have always utilized the Shia to destroy and finish off the Muslim governments and empires. This continues to this day too.

We openly challenge all the Rāfiḍīs, the Shias, to provide the name of a single leader of theirs’, that has conquered a country or area, and included it in the Muslim empire, or made it into a Muslim country.

The Evil Treachery of the Shia against the Muslim Ummah

It is an accepted reality that the religious attachment and love of the Rāfiḍī Shia is with the clergy in Qum, Iran. Their political attachment is with the government in Tehran. The person who reads and studies the words and statements of these poisonous worms will understand this bitter reality.

Not Defenders of the Muslims

The former Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, had once openly announced, “Today, I do not see, even from far off, any Shia that is the enemy of Israel.”

In this announcement of Ariel Sharon, we find the answer to an important question, why does Israel not take severe military action against izbullāh, in the same way as it does against the Mujāhidīn of Ḥamās? Israel speaks in very harsh and severe terms against Ḥamās and its leaders. Israel carried out lethal attacks against amās leaders like Shaykh Amad Yāsīn, Dr ‘Abdul ‘Azīz Rantisi, Yayā ‘Ayyāsh, and others. Similarly, Israel has made unsuccessful attempts to take the life of Khālid Mesh’al.  From this, we can glean the track of treachery from the Shia against amās.

Hereunder, we make brief indications to the evil treachery of the Shia in the history of Islām.

1.   The Shia resorted to treachery towards the 4th Khalīfa, Sayyidunā ‘Alī bin Abī Ṭālib raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu. He rebuked them severely, and announced his freedom from their filthy and dirty deeds.

2.   The treachery of the Shia towards Sayyidunā Ḥasan raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu is no secret. A Shia had attacked and stabbed the beloved grandson of Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and gave him the despicable title of ‘Mudhill-ul-Mu’minīn’, i.e., the one who brought disgrace to the Muslims. This is because he made a truce with Sayyidunā Mu’āwiyah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu, and handed the Khilāfat over to him. Sayyidunā Mu’āwiyah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu subsequently ruled the Muslim Ummah for 20 years, and dented the evil aspirations of the Shia in this time.

3.   The treachery of the Shia towards Sayyidunā Ḥusayn raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu is very famous. They were the ones who called him to Kufa. When he reached Kufa, they betrayed him, attacked him, and martyred him.  

4.   During the time of Hārūn Ar-Rashīd, the Shia minister – ‘Alī bin Yaqṭīn – had resorted to treachery, and got 500 Muslims killed by dropping the jail roof on them.

5.   The Fāṭimid Empire was set up with the specific aim of wiping out the Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jamā’ah, and to spread and propagate the Shia religion. The history of the Fāṭimids is laced with treachery and irreligiousness.

6.   The Qarāmiṭah (Shia) had killed the ḥujjāj, and looted their possessions. They also stole the Black Stone from the Ka’bah Musharrafah and returned it many years later – broken into small pieces.

7.   The Rāfiḍī minister – Mu’ayyad-ud-Dīn Abī Ṭālib Muḥammad bin Aḥmad ‘Alqamī – resorted to treachery and helped the Tartars in the invasion of Baghdad, and he participated in killing the Muslims.

8.   When the Tartars entered Damascus, the Rāfiḍīs accepted to obey them, and served their government.

9.   Hulagu had entered Aleppo and killed countless Muslims. During this time, the Rāfiḍīs adopted the position of obedience to them, and laid their arms down – refusing to fight them.

10.                   Naṣīr-ud-Dīn Ṭūsī, the Rāfiḍī Shia, played a major treacherous and evil role in getting countless Muslims killed. By means of this evil Rāfiḍī, the wealth of the Muslims was destroyed, and so was their great treasure of knowledge in the form of libraries and books.

11.                   The Shia also tried to kill the glorious Muslim leader, the conqueror of Bayt-ul-Muqaddas, Ṣalāḥ-ud-Dīn Ayyūbī raḥimahullāh.

12.                   The Shia gave their full help and assistance to the Christians against the Seljuq Empire – which was Muslim. The Shia served as the secret agents for the Christians.

13.                    The Ithnā ‘Ashariyyah Imāmiyyah Shia formed an organization called Amal-ush-Shia. They joined the Christians and worked treacherously against the Muslims.

14.                   The Ṣafawī Shia boycotted the Ottoman Empire in their conquests into Europe. The Ṣafawī Shia joined the Christians and worked against the Ottomans.

15.                   The Shia are responsible for countless acts of treachery in the Gulf countries. In Iraq, they joined the Christians, and slaughtered the Muslims. They had the full support of their leaders like Sistani. American Diplomats like Paul Bremer attested to the support they received from the Shia.

Based on the glaring history of their treachery, can the Muslim Ummah ever hope of any help from the Shia? Never

May Allāh Ta’ālā protect us from falling into the Shia trap or from falling for the Sunni-Shia unity card. Āmīn

Mufti Abdullah Moolla

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