Founders & Leaders of Ḥizbullāh


Adapted & Translated from: izbullāh Kon He?

‘Alī A-Ṣādiq, 2008, Maktabah Al-Imam Al-Bukhārī

Mūṣā Aṣ-Ṣadr – Founder of Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia

The Founder of Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia was Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr. He was a resident of Iran. He was born in 1928. He studied at Tehran University. Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr was the special student of Khomeini [la’anahullāh].

Family of Khomeini

Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr had a close family relationship with Khomeini [la’anahullāh] too. The son of Khomeini - Aḥmad – was married to the niece of Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr. The nephew of Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr - Murtaḍā Aṭ-Ṭabāṭabā’ī – was married to the granddaughter of Khomeini [la’anahullāh].

Founding Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia

Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr laid the foundations of Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia the Al-Junūb area of Lebanon. This organization was linked to the National Army. Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr made the Nuṣayrī Shia into his confidants, and placed them in important positions.

Oppression upon the Palestinians

Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr inflicted great oppression upon the Palestinians. The leaders of the Palestinian Freedom Movement were so distressed that they went to Egypt and delivered lectures on this matter. They complained of the terrible oppression and suppression that Mūsā Aṣ-Ṣadr was inflicting on the Palestinians.

Stance of Khomeini

Khomeini [la’anahullāh] adopted total silence upon the killing of Palestinians by Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia. When a close confidant of Khomeini [la’anahullāh] was asked about his silence, he said, “The imām adopts a view of equality and balance. In this matter also, he has a specific standard of equality and balance. Hence, he has adopted silence on this matter.” Lā ḥawla wa lā Quwwata illā Billāh

Israel Helps arakah Amal Ash-Shia

One of the leaders of arakah Amal Ash-Shia - aydar Ad-Dāyikh - made the following comment, as reported in Majallah Al-‘Usbū’ Al-‘Arabī, 24.10.1983, ‘We were taking up arms against Israel, but Israel opened up all their resources to us, the Israelis gave us great support in finishing off the Palestinian Wahhābī terrorists in South Lebanon.’

Who are the leaders of izbullāh?

The leaders of arakah Amal Ash-Shia are the same leaders of izbullāh. Iran gave its full support to the following leaders.

1.   Muḥammad Ḥusayn Faḍl Allāh. He was known as the Khomeini of Lebanon.

2.   Ṣubḥī Aṭ-Ṭufayl

3.   Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh

4.   Ibrāhīm Al-Amīn

5.   ‘Abbād Al-Mūsawī

6.   Na’īm Qāsim

7.   Zuhayr Ganj

8.   Muḥammad Yazbak

9.   Rāghib Ḥarb

These leaders soon ended up fighting amongst themselves, because each of them wanted to spread his own influence over the Shia localities of Lebanon. Due to these differences, there was bloody internecine fighting that erupted amongst them. This tells us about the fake unity slogans of the Shia. They cannot help but resort to bloodshed, even amongst themselves, because of so much of greed for wealth, authority, influence, supported by their framework of treachery, lies, and deceit.

Despite the internecine conflict, the greatest enemy of them all, which they agree upon, is the Sunnī Muslim. The Shia are fully engrossed in harming the Sunnī Muslim at every level, and in every country, using whatever means they have at their disposal. This group, i.e., izbullāh, raise the call of Jihād against the Jews and Christians, but in reality, they are engaged in spreading the Shia religion and the ‘revolutionary’ vision of Khomeini [la’anahullāh].

The Aim & Objective of Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia

Ibrāhīm Al-Amīn, one of the leading Shia leaders of Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia said, “We do not say that we are a part of Iran, but we have the position of being Iran in Lebanon and Lebanon in Iran.”

Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh – Head of Ḥizbullāh

Ḥasan ‘Abdul-Karīm Naṣr Allāh is called the Arab Khomeini. He was born on 21 August 1960. He went to study in 1976 in Najaf, Iraq. In 1982, he was appointed into a political office. He soon left Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia and joined Ḥizbullāh. He was made the Ḥizbullāh leader in 1985.


Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh adopted total silence upon the savage murder and killing of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila camps – carried out by Ḥarakah Amal Ash-Shia in 1985, whereas he was the very same person that was making a noise about helping the Palestinians against the Jews.

In 1992, Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh was appointed to the General Secretary position of Ḥizbullāh, after the killing of ‘Abbās Al-Mūsawī.

This is the kind of help and support that some of the ignorant Muslims make a noise about when chanting for Ḥizbullāh.

Ḥasān Naṣr Allāh – The Shia

The reality of Ḥasan Naṣr Allāh is not hidden from the public. He is a Ja’farī Shia who swears the Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum, curses them, and feels all of this filth to be a means of gaining closeness to Allāh Ta’ālā.

If this person was definitely a genuine Muslim and a fighter against Israel, and their real enemy, then how is it possible for him to make open threats against Israel on television and radio, in gatherings and lectures without fear of an Israeli missile or bullet hitting him?

Hence, O Muslim Ummah, open your eyes, open your ears, clear your minds, and come out of the Shia deception.

Mufti Abdullah Moolla

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