There is Great Cure in Durud Sharif


Shah Waliullah Dehlawi rahimahullah says, 'There is cure in Durud Sharif; cure for bodily illnesses, and cure for spiritual illnesses. There are countless virtues for reciting Durud Sharif. One of these virtues is that the person who recites Durud Sharif will be protected from the disgrace of the world, and there will be no decrease in his honor and nobility. A pious person used to say, 'Whatever we have acquired in this world, whether it was worldly bounties, or bounties related to the hereafter, we have acquired all of them through the blessings of Durud Sharif.'' [Al-Qawl Al-Jamil p.103]

Subhanallah, let us all make a firm resolution to recite Durud Sharif in abundance, nay, in great abundance. 

We will all encourage our families and relatives to recite Durud Sharif in abundance too. 

May Allah Ta'ala protect the entire Muslim Ummah from bodily diseases and spiritual diseases through the blessings of Durud Sharif. May Allah Ta'ala fill the lives of all those who recite Durud Sharif in abundance with 'afiyat, khayr, barakah, and falaah. Ameen 

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