With the rise of interfaith and multi-faith, and all related activities, the question has come about regarding performing alāh in a church or place of worship of other religions.

A look at the celebrated work of ‘Allāmah ibn ‘Ābidīn Shāmī raimahullāh, Radd al-Mutār vol.2 pp.559-560, tells us the following,

1.    The reason for the extreme dislike for alāh in the places of worship of the disbelievers is that such places are spots where the Shayāṭīn and demons gather. The Shāfi’iyyah have clarified that such places are the abodes of the Shayāṭīn and demons.

2.   One cannot take an oath in the places of worship of the disbelievers.

3.   It is Makrūh for a Muslim to enter a church and synagogue, it is Makrūh because such places are spots where the Shayāṭīn and demons gather, and not that a person has no right at all to enter.

4.   It is quite clear that Makrūh here refers to Makrūh Tarīmī.

5.   The author of Radd al-Muḥtār has given fatwā that a Muslim who visits a synagogue with the Jews often should be punished (under the Muslim ruler).

6.   If it is forbidden to enter such a place, then the prohibition will be more for Ṣalāh.

7.   From this, the ignorance of the person who enters a church, synagogue, or temple for Ṣalāh is made clear and apparent.

May Allāh Ta’ālā save us all from interfaith and all its related fitan. Āmīn

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