Hikmat or Mudahanat?


If a person goes against the command of Allah Ta'ala, like engaging in interfaith, free mixing with women, promoting falsehood in the name of Islam, and if you feel that he is adopting hikmat, i.e., wisdom, then this is simply a whispering and deception of Shaytan. In reality, it is Mudahanat. 

Mudahanat is compromise and selling the Deen. The demand of hikmat is that we aid the cause of Deen and showcase Islam in its pristine form. 

Those who resort to Mudahanat drown and cause others to drown with them. They do anything and everything to downplay the importance of Allah Ta'ala, Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, the Sahabah radiyallahu 'anhum, the pious 'Ulama, and the teachings of Islam on the whole. 

This Mudahanat is done by criticizing Islamic teaching, twisting the meaning of the Qur'an and Sunnah, mocking the 'Ulama' and features of Islam, subtly promoting modernist trends, agreeing with un-Islamic practices and actions, participating in events and functions that are forbidden, and all of this is done in the name of Islam.

Instead of resorting to Mudahanat and hiding one's weakness, it would be much better to attest to one's weakness and show one's helplessness in front of Allah Ta'ala. If a Muslim will do this, then Insha Allah, Allah Ta'ala will create a way out and will create ease for him or her. 

May Allah Ta'ala save us all from Mudahanat and from spoiling the name of Islam by doing forbidden things and justifying it using an Islamic label. Ameen 

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