A Sign of Imaan being Snatched from a person: Criticism of the Sahabah & Al al-Bayt radiyallahu 'anhum


Shahid-e-Islam Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhiyanwi rahimahullah said, 
I understand that love and honor for all the Aal al-Bayt and the Sahabah radiyallahu 'anhum to be a part of imaan. Whoever criticizes any luminary from amongst them, even if it be by a slight indication, I understand it to be a sign that imaan has been snatched from him/her. This is my belief, and I want to present myself in the court of Allah Ta'ala with this belief.

Ikhtilaf-e-Ummat aur Siraat-e-Mustaqeem, p.33, Maktabah Ludhiyanwi

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