Your Words are not Reliable or Worthy of Acceptance without the Verification of your Elders


"Remember one thing very well. Always bear it in mind. Whatever words leave your mouth, until they are not verified by your elders, it will not be worthy of consideration. Therefore, especially the younger 'Ulama must listen to my advice, whatever leaves your mouth, until you do not bring a reference of it from your elders, until then, your talk will not be considered reliable, i.e., worthy of attention. In fact, it is worthy of being refuted. 

The 'ilm, i.e., genuine knowledge is worthy of blessings is that which comes from the elder scholars, may Allah have mercy on them. Filling the color is a different matter, the vessel is the same, and decorating and painting is a different matter altogether. However, inventing new things, and contriving new things is not worthy of acceptance. Such things will be looked at in the light of the hadith, 'he who invents a new thing in our matter, i.e., Deen, it will be rejected."

Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhiyanwi Shaheed rahimahullah
[Tuhfah Qadiyaniyyat vol.6 p.247, Alami Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwah]

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