Who Killed Sayyiduna Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu?

Every year in Muharram, there are some people who make a huge noise, wail, cry, and beat themselves in a display of 'grief' and 'sorrow' over the martyrdom of the beloved grandson of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

The incident, with much added falsities, is read out to crowds, whilst they chant and curse. 

However, has the thinking Muslim thought over the incident for a little while, has he or she investigated what is being taught and fed to millions of people worldwide and online? 

In all probability, the answer is a clear NO.

In the book WHO KILLED SAYYIDUNA HUSAYN radiyallahu 'anhu? [link below] a brief investigation is conducted into the martyrdom of the blessed grandson of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. A just thinking Muslim will easily come to a conclusion. Kindly download the book, study it with an open mind, and decide for yourself. 


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