What is the Difference between Millat & Ummat?


1. There is a clear and distinct difference between Millat and Ummat
2. When there is agreement amongst people in terms of subsidiary rulings and actions (Furu') as well as principle matters (Usul), then the people that fall under that banner are referred to as an Ummat. 
3. When there is agreement amongst people in terms of principle matters only, then those under that banner of agreement are referred to as Millat. 
4. The Muslims are in agreement with Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam in terms of Usul, i.e., principle matters and beliefs. 
5. Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam was not a Christian, nor a Jew, nor a polytheist, but he was on the straight path and a monotheist. 
6. Modern-day Christians and modern-day Jews are not in agreement with Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam in terms of principles, beliefs, or actions.
7. Other religions, like Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Baha'ism, Jainism, and so on are also not in agreement with Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam in terms of beliefs and actions. 
8. Hence, we can understand that uniting the religions under the name of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam is baseless, flawed, and foolish. 
9. The Muslims are an Ummat in terms of uniting under the banner of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, i.e., we have our own Kitab, the Noble Qur'an, the Blessed Ahadith, the explanation of both of them, our own Shari'ah, our own system of marriage and economics etc. 
10. Now, when we look at all the previous Ambiya' 'alayhim as-salam, then the Ummat of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam only is in agreement with all of them in terms of belief in Tauhid, Risalat, and Akhirat, i.e., the hereafter. Modern-day religions do not agree with the Muslims in terms of these three matters. 
11. At the same time, the closest link and relationship that the Muslims enjoy with any of the previous Ambiya', is the link with Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam.
12.  An analysis of the actions and worship of the Muslim Ummat reveals that there are signs of being the Ummat of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and there are also indications of being the Millat of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam.
13. Eid-ul-Fitr is a sign of being the Ummat of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, whilst Eid-ul-Adha demonstrates our link to Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam, as the Qurbani is from his Sunan. This is the sign of the Muslims being from his Millat. 
14. From this we understand that the words of the Noble Qur'an are true, correct, and pure, whilst the claims of modernists and perennialism advocates are false, incorrect, and foolish. 
15. Surah Hajj, ayat 78 states, '[It is] the religion [millat] of your father, Ibrahim. He [i.e., Allah] named you "Muslims" before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper.'
16. For this reason, when Muslims recite Durud Sharif, the name of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam is included in it. 
17. Muslims are instructed to hold on firmly to the Millat of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam, and to protect their principles and beliefs, and not to incline to adherents of other faiths. 
18. In addition, whilst Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam was compassionate and kind, he abandoned his hometown, and his father, he migrated upon the command of Allah Ta'ala, leaving the people of polytheism, and took up residence in a land where he preached and taught Tauhid. 
19. Similarly, Muslims today must be kind and compassionate to humanity in terms of helping and assisting, but they cannot mix with other religions, associate with non-Muslims to the extent of feeling and thinking that their religions are also true, and thereby compromise their principle beliefs. Muslims must abandon polytheism and those who believe in it in order to preserve their faith and identity.
20. Under the Abrahamic Religion banner, Muslims are being deceived and duped. They are told to compromise their beliefs and principles under the banner of 'one humanity', being compassionate, and kind to others. 
21. For this reason, Muslims must be clear in their beliefs and principles. They cannot be doing actions that demonstrate a compromise in beliefs, but claim to be Muslims at the same time. 
22. The name of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam is being used and abused by liberals and modernists. Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam did not attend interfaith gatherings. He did enter a temple of idols, and whilst there, he broke all the idols. In the same way, Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam came to the Ka'bah Musharrafah at the conquest of Makkah Mukarramah and destroyed the idols that were placed there by the pagans. 
23. It is quite clear that the true heirs of the creed of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 'alayhi as-salam are the true monotheist Muslims, and no-one else has the right to claim the same. 
24. Liberals and modernists who advocate interfaith and multi-faith are simply sitting ducks in an ocean of polytheism and disbelief. 
25. May Allah Ta'ala protect all the Muslims from falling for interfaith, intra-faith, multi-faith, and the Abrahamic Religion. Ameen

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