There is no such a thing as INTERFAITH MARRIAGE

Interfaith is spread through multiple avenues. One of these is marriage. There are Muslims who believe that there is nothing wrong in marrying adherents of other religions, and their spouse can remain on his or her religion. 

Those engaged in this practice have a number of excuses ready for any genuine Muslim who asks. They say, 'love wins', 'Islam permits it', 'I don't see a reason why we can't be together', 'it's fine with me if she's fine with it' etc. 

The practice of 'interfaith marriage' has serious ramifications and disastrous repercussions in the life of a person, in this world, as well as the hereafter. In short, it is a recipe for disaster. It affects the life of a Muslim on a day-to-day basis, on a weekly basis, on an annual basis, and Allah Ta'ala have mercy, it reeks of terrible consequences when children are born from such a 'marriage'. Generally, the parents let the child choose which religion he or she wants to follow. 

As Ummatis of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, it is our duty and obligation to educate, inform, and warn. It is pointless to make Nikah so difficult and extremely expensive, to the degree that Muslims turn away from halaal avenues and now seek pleasure in disliked and horrendous ways. 

Hereunder, we present a translation of a few fatawa on this topic:

Mawlana Zafar Ahmad 'Uthmani rahimahullah - Imdad-ul-Ahkam vol.2 pp.254-255:

In today's times, is it permissible or not to marry the Ahl-ul-Kitab, i.e., Jews and Christians, without them reciting the Kalimah. Some say that according to the Hanafi Madh-hab, it is permissible. Others say that in previous times, it was permissible to marry women of the Christian and Jewish religion without them reciting the Kalimah because at that time, they were all monotheists, and in today's times, the Ahl-ul-Kitab are polytheists as they say that Sayyiduna 'Isa 'alayhi as-salam is the 'son' of Allah etc.

Those of the Ahl-ul-Kitab who claim to follow Sayyiduna 'Isa 'alayhi as-salam and Sayyiduna Musa 'alayhi as-salam, whether they say he is the 'son' of Allah, or the Rasul of Allah, marriage to them is permitted, but Makruh. As for those who are atheists and irreligious, as is the general condition today, where the English are atheists, it is not permitted to marry their women.

Faqih-ul-Ummat Mufti Mahmud Hasan Gangohi rahimahullah - Fatawa Mahmudiyyah vol.17 pp.82-83:

Zayd is a Muslim. Can he marry a Kitabiyyah or not? If he can, are there some conditions to it or not?

From the texts of Aalamgiri and Radd-ul-Muhtaar, it is learnt that it is permissible to marry women of the Ahl-ul-Kitab. The same is proven from the Noble Qur'an (Surah al-Ma'idah).

It is written in Al-Hilah An-Najizah p.165 that a Muslim man can marry a woman of the Ahl-ul-Kitab (Jews and Christians) with two conditions. 

The first condition is that the person should not be a Christian by name, like all the European Nations, in reality, they are atheists. The person must be one who believes in the principles of their religion, even though in practice they do the opposite. 

The second condition is that the person is an original Christian or Jew, and not that she became a renegade from Islam and adopted Christianity or Judaism. 

When these two conditions are found in a Kitabiyyah woman, then Nikah will be correct and will be done. However, without a severe and pressing need, Nikah to such a woman will be Makruh, and it contains a large number of corruptions and problems. Hence, Sayyiduna 'Umar Faruq radiyallahu 'anhu would forbid the Muslims in his Khilafat time from marrying Kitabiyyah women. When these problems and corruptions were present in an excellent era like that of Sayyiduna 'Umar radiyallahu 'anhu, then they are miniscule in comparison to the problems and corruptions today. 

This is especially the case with the modern day people of Europe, if Muslims have to establish marital relations with them, then it will destroy their Deen and their worldly life. This is witnessed on a daily basis. When there are children, then in their childhood, they are more inclined to the mother, and it can be safely said that the child will take effect from the mother. Subsequently, in the era of Sayyiduna 'Umar radiyallahu 'anhu, Sayyiduna Hudhayfah radiyallahu 'anhu, Sayyiduna Talha radiyallahu 'anhu, and Sayyiduna Ka'b bin Malik radiyallahu 'anhu married Kitabiyyah women, and Sayyiduna 'Umar radiyallahu 'anhu became angry with them. 

Ibn Humam rahimahullah explained the reason for the anger of Sayyiduna 'Umar radiyallahu 'anhu, 'His anger was because of the mixing of a disbeliever with a believer, and for fear of fitnah for the child, as the child is more attached to the mother in its childhood.'

Moreover, it is proven from experience that they came into the Nikah of Muslims, and they mostly caused loss and harm. For this reason, there is safety in not marrying them without a severe and pressing need. One must bear in mind that under no circumstances can a Muslim woman marry a disbelieving man, it does not matter what type of disbelief the man is involved in, whether he is a Kitabi or Ghayr Kitabi.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us proper and correct understanding, and the ability to protect our imaan during these times of strife. Ameen

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