The Muslim Identity is Tenacious

Alhamdulillah, a Muslim cannot be more grateful to Allah Ta'ala for the bounty of Islam and Iman. These are priceless. The proof of their value is clear as daylight in front of us, as we see more and more arrows and bullets fired in their direction. All attempts are being made by Shaytan, and his henchmen - the Modernists and Liberals - to confuse the common Muslim about the reality of Islam and Iman. 

True Muslims have a true and tenacious identity - which is not up for sale. Period. 

True Muslims are identified upon the basis of their firm and unwavering faith in the Kalimah, La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah, i.e., there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is the Rasul of Allah. 

The word Allah is unique. There is no deity but Him, even the names of 'deities' revered by others are nothing in comparison to the name 'Allah'. 

The Messenger of Allah, Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam and everything about him is unique, blessed, and honored. 

The Masjid is the house of Allah Ta'ala, established for the worship of Allah Ta'ala, and the spread of true and pure Islamic teaching.

The Muslim is recognized and identified by his pure belief, his worship, his dress, his dealing, and his interaction. 

Muslims in the past travelled to far-off lands for various reasons, and together with setting up business establishments, they established the Deen of Allah Ta'ala. It is through their efforts on Deen and setting up Deeni Institutions that they prospered in other ventures. They contributed to the development of the various countries they went to. This is clear from History. 

It would be foolish to assume, on the basis of our ignorance, that Muslims did not contribute to the development of the societies they settled in, because our idea of development revolves only around the modern concept of development, which is nothing but crass materialism, quest for power and glory, to the detriment and loss of Islam and establishing the name of Allah Ta'ala as most supreme in the land.  

A Muslim takes the name of Allah Ta'ala and His Rasul with him wherever he goes, his objective is not to blend in with the crowd, but to stand out uniquely proclaiming the superiority of the Deen of Islam. 

In the establishment of Deen, Muslims contribute significantly to every part of the lives of those they invite and subsequently bring into the Deen. The most significant contribution that a Muslim makes to a person when bringing him or her into the faith is that for eternity, that person has been saved from the punishment of Jahannam. Subhanallah, this was the desire of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - how each person can be saved from eternal punishment - even though in worldly terms, the reverts to Islam did not enjoy financial superiority. In fact, most were poor and downtrodden. Moreover, was this not the case with the followers of all the Ambiya'? 

One of the brazen attacks upon Muslim identity that has been recently launched is the idea of confusing the Muslim in terms of his identity, under the guise of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Our complaint is only to Allah Ta'ala. 

In the double speak of the Modernists and Liberals, this entails participation in party politics, which is quite clearly riddled with dishonesty and hypocrisy. 

How is voting in a democratic system comparable to the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah? Such an analogy is witless. 

Muslims are being deceived into thinking that by them assimilating without compromising, the Muslim population is going to suddenly explode. We seek the protection of Allah Ta'ala from such lies. 

In a double dealing society, this means that Muslims are being lured out of a safe haven, where they live in close proximity to a Masjid and Madrasah into areas that are polluted with modernist filth - and then, as things stand, they are being increasingly marginalized, which, in-turn makes them give up their Deen in totality due to societal pressure and increased administrative coercion.  

Those who are trumpeting the idea of assimilation without compromise are called on to provide examples where Islam prospered in harmony with Islamic development in a non-Muslim land. 

This idea of assimilation without compromise is actually the dangling carrot to wipe out the Islamic identity people currently have, and to replace it with a modernistic identity, devoid of any real Islamic substance. 

May Allah Ta'ala keep us steadfast upon Iman and Islam, and may He save us from selling the beautiful Deen of Islam. Ameen

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