The Main Plan of Action of Modernists & Heretics


All praise is for Allah Ta'ala, through His mercy and grace, we have the pure and pristine religion, and way of life in Islam. Everything of it has been conveyed to us, generation by generation, and we can comfortably relate to the content found in all the books and libraries that cover every dimension of this magnificent way. 

Modernists, as always, burning with jealousy and rage at something they hate and viciously attack all the time, cannot bear to see pure Islam being taught and practiced. For this reason, they have resorted to various methods and ways of trying to dig at the foundations of Islam, whilst they claim to be Muslims. 

One of the main activities they viciously engage in, which seems to be gaining in frequency, is to agree upon a certain set of modernist and liberal principles, and all sign it, publish it, and promote it as though it is some sort of award winning discovery. 

If we think over all the accords, statements, and documents that have been 'agreed upon' over the last few years, they all add up to the same thing - a push for modernization, secularization, and liberalization. 

Whilst the non-Muslims and modernists have given up on attacking the words of the Noble Qur'an, they have not rested from attacking the meaning and interpretation of the words of the Noble Qur'an and the Blessed Sunnah. 

They can attack all they want, they can get together and sign accords and petitions and documents all day long, it will not diminish the light of the Noble Qur'an and the Blessed Sunnah. In fact, such actions only add weight to the supremacy of the Noble Qur'an and further displays the truth of Islam. 

There have been many imposters, liars, fraudsters, and con-artists in the history of Islam - who only faded away into the dump yard of losers for attempting to tarnish the name of Allah Ta'ala, Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, the Noble Qur'an, the Pure Seerah, the Blessed Sunnah, and all related matters.  The modernists and liberals who join forces and sign on documents are all signing for bankruptcy. They have failed to understand that Allah Ta'ala is the Protector of the Noble Qur'an and its meanings, interpretations, rulings, and principles.

When modernists clump around frantically to sign on something they know very well to be a clash with Islamic tradition, they remind me of the ayat of the Noble Qur'an, 

Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants." [Surah al-Isra': 88]

The next time you hear about some accord, document, position paper, or petition all being trumpeted by modernists and liberals, just remember that they are signing for bankruptcy once again.

May Allah Ta'ala guide us to His pleasure and accept us all to guard and protect the pure and blessed Deen. Ameen

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