Is Da'wat & Interfaith One & the Same Thing?

1.     One of the prominent forms of misdirection we see so viciously being promoted currently is that Da’wat and Interfaith are one and the same thing.

2.     Da’wat is an effort made to call people to the oneness of Allāh Ta’ālā and worship of Him alone. Interfaith, on the other hand, is a claim made to all and sundry that every religion is on par, and each one leads to the same end.

3.     Da’wat is designed to bring the people closer to Allāh Ta’ālā, as well as to abandon sin and vice. Interfaith, on the other hand, is designed to bring people together into a central melting pot of deviated and blasphemous beliefs, where sin and vice are accommodated and welcomed.

4.     Da’wat calls people to adopt the Sunnah of Sayyidunā Muammad Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Interfaith, on the other hand, calls people to embrace any way, from whichever quarters it might come.

5.     The end point of Tauḥīd, as taught in Da’wat, is entry into Jannah. Interfaith, on the other hand, confuses a person, to the point where he or she does not really grasp what the end point is. In essence, Interfaith brings a person into the dangerous sphere of polytheism because of the fact that he or she accepts polytheistic religions and systems to be acceptable and the same as Islām – which is monotheistic.  

6.     Da’wat and Interfaith are not the same. For this reason, the methods of each differ vastly from each other. Da’wat resembles the methods of the Ambiyā’ ‘alayhim as-salām, whilst the methods of Interfaith are rooted in Modernism and the Enlightenment of Europe.

7.     Those who engage in Interfaith have been misled into believing that they are engaged in Da’wat, but in reality, they are creating confusion and are leading people astray.

8.     The efforts of those engaged in Da’wat will definitely bear fruit, whilst the efforts of Interfaith are totally wasted in the sight of Allāh Ta’ālā.

9.     Those engaged in Da’wat are involved in trying to please Allāh Ta’ālā. Those engaged in Interfaith are involved in an effort to please the enemies of Allāh Ta’ālā and His Rasūl ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

10.  The Noble Qur’ān is clear and emphatic that the Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you, i.e., the Muslims, until the Muslims follow their way. Hence, Interfaith is simply a wasted idea that leads a person into total disbelief.

11.  Da’wat calls to the true and pure form of Islām, whilst Interfaith preaches a changed, watered down form of Islām that is pleasing and acceptable to the enemies of Allāh Ta’ālā.

12.  May Allāh Ta’ālā save us all from Interfaith and any aspect of it. Āmī

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