From Interfaith to Multi-Faith




Between or involving persons adhering to different religions[1]


Feeling an affinity with aspects of more than one religion, philosophy or world-view, and to believe that no one is superior to the others.[2]

1.      Interfaith deals with dialogue and communication between different religions. This is highly problematic from the viewpoint of Islām. This is a stepping stone into embracing polytheism and disbelief.

2.      Multi-faith means to feel an affinity with aspects of more than one religion, and to believe that none of them is superior to the other. This is the step that a person has reached after engaging in Interfaith. This is clear disbelief and blasphemy.

3.      With the signing of the Abraham Accords and subsequent ratification of interfaith accords, we now see a major shift in the religious sphere of man’s existence; the embracing and acceptance of multi-faith. This is pure blasphemy.

4.      There is no scope whatsoever for acceptance of multi-faith from the perspective of Islām and a Muslim.

5.      The Noble Qur’ān emphatically declares, ‘It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allāh dislike it.’[3]

6.      We call upon all Muslims worldwide to refute interfaith and multi-faith conferences, summits, and all related issues.

7.      During trying and testing times, the intelligent person will hold on to his most treasured possession, i.e., īmān, and will not allow it to be washed away with the current of fitan.

8.      We call upon all Muslims who subscribe to interfaith to immediately repent and come out of this major problematic issue, and never to dare think of a thing like multi-faith.

9.      Multi-faith is a recipe for eternal disaster.

10.  May Allāh Ta’ālā save us all from disbelief and blasphemy. Āmīn

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