Atatürk & ‘Abduh Revisited


The attempts to destroy Islām have varied throughout history. Boycotts, sanctions, battles, assassinations, and character assassination have stood out prominently amongst these attempts. The name commonly associated with modern attacks on the edifice of Islām and the genuine ‘Ulamā’ is Atatürk – the man who closed Masājid and opened every avenue of vice in the seat of the Khilāfat.

Muḥammad ‘Abduh, the enemy of Allāh, had mastered the art of misguidance and misdirection by abusing his position of influence in Egypt. He issued fatāwā that went against the Islāmic tradition and planted the seeds of interfaith ‘harmony’ by engaging with Christian priests in his time. There were conversations he had about forming a unified religion, and bringing the various religions together.

When all their attacks and attempts failed, the enemies of Islām conjured another plot that we currently face. In another attempt to destroy Islām, we find modernists misdirecting the Muslim Ummah, misguiding them, and offering modernized interpretations of the Noble Qur’ān and the Blessed Sunnah. This is done through lectures, courses, hosting foreign modernists, and by altering teaching material for Muslim students.

It is a sin to lie. It is a greater sin to teach someone to lie. It is an even greater sin to lie against Allāh Ta'ala and Sayyidunā Muḥammad Rasūlullāh sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. Worse than all of this is to teach someone that a lie against Allāh  Ta'ala and Sayyidunā Muḥammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is the truth!

Allāh Ta'ala declares emphatically in the Noble Qur’ān that the only religion and way of life accepted in the sight of Allāh Ta'ala is Islām. Islām will continue ahead and every prophecy of Rasūlullāh sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam will come to fruition, even if the disbelievers and polytheists hate it.

Those who adhere to Islām and guard it from attacks of modernists and deformists will definitely see progress and prosperity, even though the masses may not grasp it that way.

In addition, we are taught in Islām that unity is the gathering of the people of truth, even if they be in the minority, whilst disunity or discord is the gathering of the people of falsehood, even if they be in the majority.[1]

Interfaith and multi-faith activities, as engaged in today, are done with the belief that all religions are equal, and that each religion has aspects in it that are true and correct. This is clear-cut and open blasphemy. Interfaith and multi-faith entails embracing polytheism and sexual perversion as true and correct.

In his kindness and mercy, Allāh Ta'ala has made it such throughout history, that whatever attacks came upon Islām in the forms of deviated and perverted ideas, they were never called ‘Islām’, they were always called something else. In the same way, when interfaith and multi-faith are being portrayed under the banner of Islām or in an Islāmic book, it can never be, and will never be ‘Islām’. It will be modernism or liberalism. Hence, all Muslims must understand that interfaith or multi-faith ideology is nothing but an attack against the īmān of Muslims worldwide. It is pure modernism and liberalism. Moreover, calling people to embrace polytheism and sexual perversion as true, is in essence, a war against Allāh Ta'ala and His Rasūl sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

We call on one and all to value their īmān, appreciate the great bounty of Allāh Ta'ala in the form of true Islām upon us, and to make sincere du’ā’ for the protection of our īmān until we meet Allāh Ta'ala and he is pleased with us. Āmīn

ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب

Muftī Abdullah Moolla

8 Dhul-Qa’dah 1444|29 May 2023

[1] Ḥayāt-us-Ṣaḥābah volume 2 page 6

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