3 Simple Du'a's to Protect Your Chastity


1.     When a child is born, then the Adhān should be called out in the right ear of the child. The Iqāmah should be called out in the left ear.

It is also Sunnah to recite Sūrah Al-Ikhlāṣ in the ear of the newborn. The Ulamā’ explain that the specialty of this action is that the child for whom it is read will not commit adultery in its life.[1]

2.     Allāhumma innī as’alukal hudā wat tuqā wal ‘afāfa wal ghinā [اللهم إني أسئلك الهدى والتقى والعفاف والغنى]. O Allāh, I ask you for guidance, for piety, for chastity, and independence.[2]

3.     Rabbī Najjinī wa Ahlī mimma Ya’malūn (رب نجني وأهلي مما يعملون) [O my Rabb, save me and my family from what they do][3]

During these times of strife and increasing immorality, all Muslims should hold firmly onto these du’ā’s from the Noble Qur’ān and Blessed Sunnah. Inshā Allāh, when we will put our trust in Allāh Ta’ālā, and have conviction in His power, He will save us, our families, and children from the flood of immorality all around us. May Allāh Ta’ālā protect us all from immorality and associated evils. Āmīn

[1] Footnote on Sharḥ Al-Iqnā’, Footnote on Badhl-ul-Majhūd

[2] Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim

[3] Sūrah Shu’arā: 169 – The du’ā’ of Sayyidunā Lūṭ عليه السلام

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