A Rejoinder to: Fiqh for Minorities - A Source Methodology and Framework Approach part 4


Fiqh for Minorities: A Source Methodology and Framework Approach by Mufti Muḥammad Haffejee was presented at the Southern African Ulama Conference, Eswatini [30 September 2022 – 2 October 2022].

The objective of the paper was covered in part 1 of the rejoinder. Part 2 of the rejoinder covered the sources of the ideas of new terms to be employed in Fiqh Al-Aqalliyāt. In part 3, the incident of the Noble Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum who migrated to Habasha was discussed. In part 4, the verse of the Noble Qur’ān presented as the source for ‘Fiqh for Minorities’ will be presented with the explanation from the genuine and true scholars of Islām.

Mufti Muḥammad Haffejee quoted verses 7 and 8 of Sūrah Al-Mumtaḥinah as the need and basis for a ‘Fiqh for Minorities.’

Firstly, he has exposed his scant reading of the Tafsīr of the Sūrah and his strawman approach to the issue he supposedly wants the Muslim community to adopt.

Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī As-Ṣābūnī raḥimahullāh states about Sūrah Al-Mumtaḥinah, ‘This is from among the Madinan Sūrahs which pays particular attention to legislative aspects. It revolves around the central theme of ‘love and hate solely for the sake of Allāh Ta’ālā’. This is one of the strongest bonds of īmān.’

Further on, the illustrious Mufassir says, ‘the Sūrah mentions the ruling with regard to befriending the enemies of Allāh Ta’ālā and sets forth the example of Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi as-salām and the believers in their total detachment from the polytheists.’

‘The Sūrah commences by warning us against befriending the enemies of Allāh Ta’ālā, they are the ones who tormented the believers to the extent of forcing them to emigrate and leave behind their homes and properties.

O you who have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves [only] because you believe in Allāh, your Lord. If you have come out for jihād [i.e., fighting or striving] in My cause and seeking means to My approval, [take them not as friends]. You confide to them affection [i.e., instruction], but I am most knowing of what you have concealed and what you have declared. And whoever does it among you has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way.[1]

‘The Sūrah ends by warning the believers against befriending the unbelieving enemies of Allāh Ta’ālā:

O you who have believed, do not make allies of a people with whom Allāh has become angry. They have despaired of [reward in] the Hereafter just as the disbelievers have despaired of [meeting] the companions [i.e., inhabitants] of the graves.

In this way, the Sūrah concludes just as it had commenced – by warning against befriending the enemies of Allāh Ta’ālā. In this way, the beginning and end coincide with each other.’

Secondly, Mufti Muḥammad Haffejee has knowingly distorted the message of the Sūrah. This is an unthinkable action from a scholar. We seek the forgiveness and protection of Allāh Ta’ālā.

Whilst the message of Mufti Muḥammad Haffejee has been carefully crafted under the ‘Fiqh for Minorities’ umbrella, it serves the agenda of the Abrahamic Accords. Subḥānallāh, the very same Sūrah also speaks about following the example of Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi as-salām, who was Ḥanīf, i.e., not a Jew or Christian, but a true and genuine monotheist upon the straight path. So, what did exactly did Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi as-salām say?

He said, 

‘"Indeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allāh. We have denied you, and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allāh alone." 

‘Allāmah Shabbīr Aḥmad ‘Uthmānī raḥimahullāh states under this verse, ‘You Muslims, or in other words, those who hope in meeting Allāh Ta’ālā and the coming of the last day, should follow the example of Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi as-salām and his companions. Irrespective of how fanatical and prejudiced the world may consider you to be, you should not turn away from the path which was established by Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi as-salām by his ways and actions. Success in future can only be acquired from this path. If you follow any other path and befriend the enemies of Allāh Ta’ālā, you will cause harm to your own self. Allāh Ta’ālā is not affected by the friendship or enmity of anyone.’

Mufti Muḥammad Shafī’ raḥimahullāh says in Ma’ārif-ul-Qur’ān vol.8 p.416, ‘This verse supports and emphasizes the abstaining from maintaining close friendly relations with non-believers. This rule of law is illustrated by the excellent example of Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm ‘alayhi as-salām, whose entire family worshipped idols. He not only washed his hands off them and disowned them, but also announced, and erected a wall of enmity and hatred with them, until and unless they gave up idol worship and believe in Allāh Ta’ālā alone.’

After slandering Sayyidunā Yūsuf ‘alayhi as-salām, slandering the illustrious Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum, Mufti Muḥammad Haffejee has twisted the message of the Noble Qur’ān for his own nefarious ends. To Allāh do we belong and to Him is our return. This is not the work of a scholar and well-wisher of Islām and the Muslims.

All Muslims, wherever they are, are instructed to conduct themselves with respect and understanding with non-Muslims, but are totally forbidden from befriending them to the extent that they accept disbelief as suitable, like by participating in interfaith activities and ‘serving in the national military service of their country’. This is, in essence, bartering the pristine religion of Islām away.

We hope in the mercy of Allāh Ta’ālā for acceptance and protection from every form of harm or loss. 

[1] Sūrah Al-Mumtaḥinah: 1

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