What Happens to those who Target & Criticize the Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum

 Once, a man by the name of Abul Ḥasan passed by a gathering in which a man was cursing Sayyidunā Abū Bakr raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu and Sayyidunā 'Umar raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu. Even though he had the ability, he did not stop the man from his vile and filthy abuse. That night, he saw Sayyidunā 'Alī raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu in a dream, who said, "Why did you not do something against that person who cursed Sayyidunā Abū Bakr raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu and Sayyidunā 'Umar raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu, when it was within your capacity to do so?" Whilst saying this, he hit me using a mace; the next morning I woke up blind." [Manāqib 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaāb pp.256-257]

Abū Nazara raḥimahullāh relates, "We were in Madinah Munawwarah. We met a man there who cursed Sayyidunā 'Uthmāraḍiyallāhu ‘anhu. We scolded him and told him to repent, but he refused. Not a second had passed before we heard the skies thunder; a flash of lightning struck him and he died." [Tarikh Madinah vol.39 p.511]

Imām Mustaghfirī raḥimahullāh relates the following incident in his work, Dala'il-un-Nubuwwah, from a reliable narrator, 'We were three men on a journey to Yemen. One of us was from Kufa, and he used to curse Sayyidunā Abū Bakr raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu and Sayyidunā 'Umar raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu. We would rebuke him and try to stop him, but he would not listen. One day, we camped at a place near our destination. We woke up early the next morning and told him to wake up too. On awakening, he said, "Too bad, I cannot accompany you because I saw Rasūlullāallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam in my dream; he was standing at my bedside saying, "O wretched one, you will be morphed in this very place."

We urged him to get up and perform wuu'. Instead, he pulled his feet up and we witnessed the transformation begin from his toes. Within a short time, his feet resembled that of a monkey. The transformation then slowly moved up to his knees, then his back, then chest, then head, and finally the entire face; he had completely transformed into a monkey. 

We picked him up and tied him to one of the camels. We departed immediately, and by sunset, we reached the edges of a thick jungle. There, he saw a troop of monkeys. He broke the ropes and joined the troop.' 

May Allāh Ta’ālā accept us to guard the honour of the Ṣaḥābah raḍiyallāhu ‘anhum at all times. Āmīn

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