The Tearful Story of Secularism & Atheism


This piece was written by a student & is shared here with his permission. May Allah Ta'ala accept. Ameen

Many years ago, there was a beautiful forest, the like of which is not found in the world today. It is said that if you ever were fortunate enough to set foot in this forest, you would never desire to leave. Huge, ancient trees providing shade to cool, clear ponds with the mesmerizing sound of water trickling down rocks painted with moss, now and then interrupted by the splash of a tropical fish jumping out of the water or the croak of a frog who whips out his tongue to snatch a fly from the air. If this wasn’t enough to dazzle a person, then there were the thousands of different wild berries and boughs heavily laden with exotic fruit, full of screeching monkeys scaring off colorful birds. Through the gaps between the trees, huge herds of buck could be observed grazing peacefully, interrupted only by a passing predator searching for its meal.

But these magical scenes were not the most spectacular feature of this forest, this forest was enveloped in an almost unnatural atmosphere of order, where morality persevered over the savage inner nature of the animals. It is said that even the most ferocious creatures - like the lion and the tiger – would not cause any more harm than necessary, and no animal would oppress another animal. But the real reason behind the phenomenal nature of this forest was the rulership of the elephants. Their rulership was built upon pristine divine laws, pure principles and uncontaminated ethics, they encouraged righteousness and implemented a divine justice system. Each elephant ruler understood his responsibility and understood that his rulership depended upon upholding the pure principles of his ancestors. Every dark and evil force was too afraid to try and corrupt the forest due to the strength of the elephants.

However, over time evil forces started gathering, plotting and planning, desiring the downfall and end of the elephants’ reign. The elephants themselves became complacent; spending more time enjoying the delights and fancies of the forest, rather than implementing the law. Then one morning as the rising sun peeked out through the clouds, the calm and serene atmosphere of the forest was suddenly shattered by the horrific roar of a logger’s chainsaw. Animals scrambled and ran in fear; unable to process the foreign invasion, men in overalls on which the motto “The cooperation of technology” was boldly written. Birds and squirrels – who didn’t understand what was happening – watched helplessly as their ancestral homes were torn down. At the same time, the banished clan of hyenas going by the name “Secularism and Atheism” led by the vilest creature named Darwin spread darkness, greed and lawlessness, ripping out the throats of the weaker animals, snatching babies away as their parents watched helplessly. Any animal unfortunate enough to cross the path of these savage killers would be torn to pieces. This attack was so savage that the once green grasslands were now stained red and littered with mangled corpses and animals that were injured and crippled, and the once sparkling clear waters were now tainted with a deep crimson that did not fit in what was once a haven of nature.

The elephants, however, managed to protect an area within the deepest part of the forest where any animal that was able to escape the attack sought refuge.

A few years passed in this manner until one fateful day; when the most cunning and sly enemy set foot in the forest. The loggers cleared their path of trees and all the guards and sentries that the animals had placed were lying dead; killed by the hyenas. The circus of western civilization tore through the forest, coaxing some animals with drugged meat, shooting others with tranquilizer darts, the sounds of terrified howling filled the forest. But the circus was not yet satisfied, they would only rest once they found the elephants. They continued making their way through to the center of the forest, maiming or killing anything that stood in their way. The elephants stood looking at each other, deep brown eyes filled with sadness as the reality of the situation finally set in. They could hear the circus hunters getting closer and closer. Most of them had left within them; they had watched everything they knew being destroyed right in front of them.

It all happened very fast, many shots were fired, hitting the elephants from all sides, but even in their tranquilized state, they fought, thrashing and struggling to stay conscious. A huge specimen by the name of Al ‘Aml charged and fought, even after being hit by three darts, his huge tasks cutting and slashing through everything that came in his path, fire in his eyes, muscles tensed with determination. But eight or nine shots later, the great beast eventually fell. When he hit the ground, it was as if the whole world shook. The last sound he heard before being dragged away was the sound of chains being dragged over to bind him and his brothers.


Al ‘Aml looked around his cage for the hundredth time. He couldn’t believe that it had been ten years since that fateful day when he had been captured. He had still never given up, but as he glanced up, watching his other brothers through the bars of his cage, he was filled with sorrow. Gone were the thick chains and the tranquilizer darts. Nowadays even a twine rope was not needed, they obediently served the circus masters. Standing when they were told to and sitting when they were told to, like puppets in some kind of twisted puppet show. They had forgotten who they were, their strength and power and the kingdom they had ruled over for over a thousand years. A sigh escaped his trunk and a warm tear dropped to the ground as he looked at his brothers, Lahore and Oman. If only they would work together! They had grown up to be very strong but were ignorant and lost. The only brother he was proud of was Kabul. Although he was a younger and weaker brother, he had caused the circus masters a lot of trouble and had finally escaped. “Maybe Kabul will come back and help us” he thought, at least it was a hope to hold on to. As he looked up at the thousands of stars in the sky, he hoped with every fiber of his being that his brothers would recognize their true strength and escape, so that they could go back to ruling the forest and fix the abnormality that the world was facing. But as he put his head against the old steel bars, he could still hear the screams in his head as his brothers were tortured into submission, pushed down again and again, destroying their spirit and convincing them that they were weak. If only they could understand their true strength!

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