Sayyidunā Qatādah Ibn Nu'mān radiyallāhu 'anhu Loses an Eye at Uḥud

Sayyidunā Qatādah Ibn Nu'man raiyallahu 'anhu narrates, "On the day of Uḥud, I positioned myself right in front of the face of Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam. I directed my face towards the enemy so that my face may bear the brunt of the arrows, instead of the blessed face of Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam. One of the last arrows of the enemy landed with such force on my face that my eyeball popped out. holding it in my hand, I turned towards Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam. When he caught sight of my eye, his eyes welled up with tears and he made du'ā for me, "O Allāh, just as Qatādah protected the face of your Nabi, protect his face and restore his eye to a condition better and sharper than what it was." Saying this, Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam took the eyeball and placed it into its socket. Instantly, my eyesight was restored. In fact, my eyesight turned out to be better and sharper than what it originally was."

According to another narration, Sayyidunā Qatādah raiyallahu 'anhu held the eyeball in his hand and came in front of Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam, who said, "If you exercise patience, you will be rewarded with Jannah and if you wish, I will replace your eyeball in its original position and make du'ā for you."

Sayyidunā Qatādah raiyallāhu 'anhu replied, "O Rasūlullāh, I have a wife whom I love dearly. I fear that if I am left with one eye, she may find it revolting and she may develop feelings of dislike and hatred towards me." Taking hold of the eye, Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam placed it into the socket and made the following du'ā, "O Allāh, grant him beauty and handsomeness." [Mustadrak akim, Ash-Shifā]

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