Is Interfaith a Matter of Difference of Opinion?

The advocates of Interfaith raise deceptive slogans from time to time, like a failing trickster working ferociously to pull out a living rabbit from a dead hat. 

One of the recent slogans, from the box of tricks, states that Interfaith is a matter of difference of opinion, and it is just the hardliners who object to it. 

Well, in their tiring and failing venture to get Muslims to swallow the lies, hook, line, and sinker, the Interfaith advocates do not realise that the question itself stands in direct conflict with the Noble Qur'an and the belief system of the Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jama'ah.

No evidence suggests Interfaith Iftars and Masjid Open Days were part and parcel of the methodology of Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi was sallam. 

How odd? 

The Interfaith advocates were standing gleefully, just yesterday, teaching that the previous scriptures were changed, and contain blasphemy, and now they wickedly smirk with the very opposite message.

May Allah Ta'ala save us from going astray. Ameen

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