Inspiration from the life of ‘Abdullāh Ibn Mubārak raḥimahullāh

In Tartīb Al-Madārik, Qāḍī ‘Iyāḍ raḥimahullāh mentions a unique incident about ‘Abdullāh Ibn Mubārak raḥimahullāh, as he was on his way to perform ḥajj.

He reports that ‘Abdullāh Ibn Mubārak raḥimahullāh entered Kufa and saw a young woman plucking a dead duck. Since it is impermissible to consume carrion, he asked her if it was sacrificed. She replied that it was not. “Then why are you plucking it?” he asked. She replied, “So that my family and I can eat it.” He informed her that it was not permissible to do so, so she said, “Go away.”

In a narration of Ibn Kathīr raḥimahullāh, she said, “My brother and I have only one piece of clothing. We have no food except what we find thrown in the dumps. Carrion has become permissible for us to consume for a number of days now (due to severe poverty). Our father was a rich man but his wealth was taken from him oppressively and he was killed.”

‘Abdullāh Ibn Mubārak raḥimahullāh asked about the whereabouts of her family, and she informed him. He hired a man to take him there and when he found the house, he released his riding animal and gave it to the household, along with all the goods and provisions that were on it.

In Ibn Kathīr’s report, it mentions that he handed over most of the money he had to the young woman (money that was for his ḥajj), keeping only what was sufficient for his journey back to his land, Marw. He gave his provisions away to the impoverished family, saying, “This is better for us than our optional ḥajj this year.”

When his companions returned from ḥajj, they came to congratulate him on fulfilling his ḥajj too. He said, “I did not go this year.” One of them said, “Subḥānallāh, did I not leave my possessions with you whilst we were at Mina and on our way to ‘Arafāt?” Another one said, “Likewise, didn’t you buy things for me?” He turned to them saying, “I do not know what you are saying. As for myself, I did not go for ḥajj this year.”

Later that night, he had a dream wherein a voice called out to him saying, “Rejoice, O ‘Abdullāh, Allāh has accepted your act of charity and He sent an angel in your form to perform the ḥajj on your behalf.”  

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